CLOSED: Wanted: Wild Sunflower

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm looking for a small amount of wild sunflower seeds. These are the kinds that have multiple smaller flowers and are quite tall. You can see them growing alongside the road. I used to have some and they reseeded every year but last year I tore them all out to plant Tithonia. I've found a couple of places that sell them, but one place hasn't gotten back to me and the other place has something like 1000 seeds.

So… Just wondering if anyone happens to grow these and has a few seeds to spare. Or if you know of somewhere that carries these.

Thanks in advance!

Here's a look at what they are:

be happy to send you some. please dmail me your address.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Really? Two minutes! LOL. Thanks.

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