Question about terminator genes

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Okay. I'm all for not allowing genetic engineering of our crops to begin with, but I read something in an ad yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone knows something about this.

It was an ad for dog food. It claimed that corn, genetically modified to terminate (seeds from this year's corn will not produce next year), if fed as a consistent diet to livestock, will render the animals sterile as well. As in, if you feed your chickens (or cows, etc.) Monsanto "terminator" corn, your chickens (etc.) will not be able to reproduce.

I find this monstrously scary, but I'd hate to go off the deep end if there is no truth to it. I mean, corn is in everything. And of course we may not know for sure until it's too late.

Any input?

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