Unfinished Projects - Outdoors

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Spring has sprung for some of us. And many of us have been itching to get back out in the garden since the first snowfall. LOL So what projects do you folks have lined up for this season? Are you painting the house, replacing windows, adding a new flowerbed, starting new creative projects, or what? I firmly believe that loose ends make us come unravelled and rob us of energy and creativity, don't you?

I've finished most inside projects. What's left will be saved for a rainy day. I'm ready to focus on the garden. Yesterday I got outside and cleaned up all the debris my new puppy Nikko created. I stuffed three trash bags full of things he's shredded. I buy him stuffed animals to shred, but those are all in tact. No sir, he's not going to destroy HIS toys; he finds more fun in shredding the chair cushions from my patio furniture or dumping plants out of pots and destroying the pots or biting the wings off my garden fairies and angels and knocking my gnomes around. I swear Nikko has PICA. LOL

I need to get some weeding and mulching done soon before the weeds go to seed. It is strange how fast the weeds come up and grow while many of my plants are still sleeping. I called my tree trimming neighbor Sat and he's supposed to bring me several large truckloads of mulch this week, but I wonder. It just keeps raining so if he can't work, he can't make my mulch. And if my property is too wet, he can't drive upon it and dump my mulch. I sure wish some of this rain would come in July and Aug when we'll really need it.

One project I must do soon is paint the back of my house. It faces South or Southeast and gets a lot of weather. The sun and the rain have beaten some of the paint off. I want to put an arbor all along that back wall to help shade the exercise room and to create a "Tunnel of Love" behind the house. But first I need to paint that wall before I construct the pergola. I hate painting, so we'll see how long it takes me to "get a round to it". I'm sure I can find many other projects to do first. LOL

So what's on your agenda. I know Arlene and Sharon have already been busy. Maybe they can inspire us. I'm needing a bit of inspiration and a little push, ladies. I'm feeling overwhelmed with all I need to do this year. I'll get over it once I really dig in...if the rain will just stop for a little while...

I did get my new garden swing and my new hammock set up yesterday, which means I may get lazy. LOL The garden swing I bought at a yard sale a few weeks ago for $15 and last weekend I got the swing stand for $10. I put them in the "Love in the Mist Garden", a little lover's hideaway in the Wedding Garden.

I put the hammock up in another area but I'm not sure I did it right. I'll get my brother over and let him test it out. If it doesn't fall or break with him, I might spend a bit of time in it myself at times. LOL

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
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