Has Anyone Heard from Lazlo?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Nishnoh (Greetings Everyone),

Has anyone heard from Lazlo? He has not responded to the Dmails I have sent him. I am getting a bit worried about him. Has anyone been able to contact him recently?
He contacted me for a trade on March 12th. I responded on March 14th, but received no reply. I Dmailed him again on April 7th and again today and still received no response. As I stated before, I am getting a bit worried about him. Please let me know if anyone has had contact with him.

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)
(")_(") The Official Easter Rabbit

Thumbnail by maccionoadha
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Well wishes sending his way. I haven't any connection with Lazlo lately. Hope things are well with him.

i heard from him about a week ago, i am not sure but dont think he is in the best of health.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I do hope he gets better soon.

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)
(")_(") The Official Easter Rabbit

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I talked to him on Wednesday. He went to visit a friend yesterday. It's spring and the weather has been wonderful so I know he's busy in his garden. :)

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh yes! Happy spring to you Carey, thank you for the good news.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Howdy, Y'all !

It is heartening to know I am missed . . . Health is fine, except in the mental health area.

Life's a beach and then you get sand in uncomfortable places.

Soon, I will try to catch up on my DMail - - thanks to those of you who have been patient.

A T B T Y !         ~         Łaz

This message was edited Apr 28, 2011 10:09 AM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

May tomorrow be a brighter day for you my friend. Best wishes. So glad to 'hear' from you.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh, Lazlo, I am so sorry to hear that. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you restock when you move. There are plenty of plants you can garden from container, even climber. :)

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find a small home to rent where you can garden as much as you want. Good luck - let me know where you end up. :)

my heart goes out to you. i am so sorry for what is happening.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Lazlo,

Nut-aiuskuiantam ne nootamoh (I am sorry to hear that). They are just plain mean. They could have made an excuse, to those other tenants, that you were "hired" to beautify the apartments. Idiots, that is what they are. I hope you find one that will let you garden again. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)
(")_(") The Official Easter Rabbit

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Laz, remember - when one door closes, another opens - keep the faith, my Friend! We will be here, praying that you get the best end of the 'deal'!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Amen, KayJones has said it best. Keep the faith Laz.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Dear.... Well, the good news is, once you get to where you end up at, you can start requesting seeds or plants from all the folks of us that you have shared with.. I know I am holding on to all of the ones I can until you are where you can be able to Garden again.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

                      Thank you, Everyone !

Thumbnail by LazLo
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Don, when you are ready for new plants and seeds, POST here - you will be FLOODED with love!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Don, you're so funny. Best wishes. Standing by here too Kay.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)


the Lion's tail seeds you sent me and that I Winter Sowed are growing like crazy. Now if this stinking lack of rain doesn't do them in I should have lots of seeds!


Pawleys Island, SC

Hey Lazlo, you can move here and garden in my yard all you want! LOL. since I broke both feet in january, I haven't been able to do much. It is now almost May and I am just getting mobile again. I missed 3 months of the best gardening time here, but I know that it was a good thing somehow. I must have needed the wake up "fall".
Glad to hear you are alright. So sorry about your garden.

Happy Easter!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

LazLo---We haven't talked before this, but just want you to know I feel your pain!! Like you I just hate change, especially when it's bad. I hope you find your dream place to live.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

LazLo did receive some good news - he is allowed to keep his garden but must limit introduction of new seeds...he was much happier this weekend after that news! :)

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

That is good news!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is fantastic news!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Wonderful to hear!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Late last Thursday, the resident manager of the apartment complex where I live phoned to tell me that a regional VP had visited and heard all the grumping about my garden. The VP then walked the property, inspecting what I have done. The manager passed along lots of stuff the VP had said afterward but I can't recall much after, "I love that garden - what a great idea! What's the big problem?" - - Now that proclaimed an outcome not imagined by either the local management (which was really expecting affirmation of their decision to uproot the garden and plant grass, nandina, juniper and indian hawthorne), or by me.

To just say that I celebrated Thursday night would leave out how I partied all through Friday and into Saturday morning!

Sadly it took too long for my winter efforts, all nicely growing in their 4-in pots when the bru-ha-ha began - - about 1500 seedling plants in all. Before the BIG VISIT I had to keep anything potted in plastic in my garage . . . door kept half open for air and to alleviate temps in the mid to high 90s . . . taking everything out to water it and let it have just one hour outside before returning to the garage. Pretty tough, too tough, actually. So instead of letting them croak waiting for the BIG VISIT, I had to have a fire sale . . . giving almost all away, but managing to get a few bucks for the more expensive plants. Gone is my Meyer lemon covered in little fruits. Gone are almost all my crazy hot Indian pepper plants. Lots of Moulin Rouge sunflowers dug up and surrendered . . . By the time the management called I was looking out upon a whole lot of useta was and coulda been.

Oddly enough the VP added that she did not like plant ID tags - so they are gone. She also did not like my "whimsies" - - no more frogs, stoned toads, gnomes, gargoyles, geckos, kittens or baby dragon statuary . . . no more "welcome to my garden" signs . . . What a pooper! All the whimsies will entertain the grandkids down in Victoria, TX. Stuff that functions as support for vines is alright, as is our Victorian gazing ball.

The main thing is that the garden is now officially sanctioned by someone at corporate and the local management can now just kindly stuff it as far as any dislikes for the garden are concerned.

To compensate for the winter sown plants that I had to sell or give away last week, I will be sowing seeds . . . like two months late . . . hoping to be able to fill some of the spaces left empty. One thing I have oodles of is seeds !!

LOL . . . Life is a beach and you get sand in uncomfortable places.

ATBTY !       ~       ŁazŁo    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

You are too funny! Glad everything worked out even if it's not perfect.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Lazlo, that is TERRIFIC news! How can we help? Perhaps some of us have seedlings already growing (or plants) that we can send you - can you post a list and let us take a look at what you need replaced?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

*huggers to you , Lazlo*

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

So glad that everything turned out well....well, pretty well anyway. Don't you just hate change? Doesn't seem like anything good comes from drastic change.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

LazLo, I'm still here, dancing around in happiness, with storks in hand...I owe you a visit, my friend. :)

Pawleys Island, SC

Lazlo, I am glad everything worked out. Sorry about your forced fire sale. I am happy you can still garden there tho.
Are ya still interested in those gardenias?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, a VP making a reasonable decision? Will miracles never cease? Congrats!

I am reminded of something a very highly-placed manager told my DSO when she asked (politely) why middle managers seemed to be so STUPID.

The answer was that if they had been smart, they would have been in UPPER management.

(My apologiy to middle managers everywhere. I know that the other answer is "middle managers have to comply with Policy, and Policy is always mindless".)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Lazlo--hope you managed to get some ws plants going:) I don't have many fancy type seeds but I'd be happy to put a list together of what I have if you wanna do any "shopping" through it:)

I sorta had the same thing happen here when I first moved in to the townhouse apts I'm in. The "standard" flower bed in front was filled with plastic weed barrier about 5 yrs gone, a few rocks, old mulch and overrun with creeping grass. I started with containers. Then began tearing out the old flower bed stuff, bought a shovel and began digging deep to remove 1960's construction remains (glass, nails, metal etc), rocks and huge clumps of red clay. Refilled with 6 bags of potting soil, top soil, compost, mushroom compost and even a bag each of perlite and vermiculite (figured it couldn't hurt:lol:). Once I began gardening--so did a few others and a few really went for it and had some amazing gardens. So far I've only had one of the new owners make us all promise to keep them up or we'd get the mulch and evergreen shrub treatment. I have even turned the corner of my end apt and have a bed along the side adjacent to the actual front flower bed.

Feel free to dmail about the seeds--may even have a few TB iris if you want to try to resusitate them from a year of dehydrating--they could make a spontaneous comeback:lol:

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