Help with growing figs in pots

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I had the opportunity to talk to a friend who has successfully overwintered a small fig tree in a pot. It has broken dormancy and has already got several tender green shoots and some buds on the plant. I feel fairly certain it is still too cold to put it outside, even in a southern exposure, here in Massachusetts; Can he put this in a sunny window until it gets warm enough outside? I'd say we have another 3 weeks-month before we can plant tomatoes outside here. Can it go directly into the full sun from indoors? I would appreciate any of your expertise I can get. Thanks,

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I had a fig inside in the winter and outside in the summer for a couple of years - then I found out is was cold hardy - and out it went! Yay! When I took the fig outside in the summer if I didn't watch its sun exposure it would sunburn and lose all its leaves. So it needs to go outside gradually as far as the sun is concerned. If you know what kind of fig it is you can judge the cold exposure from that. (You do know that it will make figs inside the house?)

Thomaston, CT

If it's been in a warm house, it should go outside gradually, a few sunshiny hours a day....

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