OT - Which other plants are you growing besides MGs

Mesilla Park, NM

I've got to try these:

Mina Lobata Jungle Queen
Chocolate Datura
Yellow Triple Datura
White Triple Datura
Purple Triple Datura
Poppies from Doubles to singles, Parks Collection.
The Parks collection of Zinniz Profusion
10000's of Asarina Scandens seeds (5 varieties)
Billardiera Longiflora
Zehneria Pallidinervfia "Bat Wing"
Sicana Odorifera
Cissus Antartica Kangaroo Vine
Started my variegated corn but my cat ate all the tips, so hopefully some will make it.

Now, I have 150 cups with a variety of germinated MG seedlings and hopefully can take care of them this year and get lots of seeds, most will be planted in the soil later on, but several will be in containers.

just to name a few and praying that some of them germinate..

So, what is on your banquet plate this year?


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A, I've got a few vegies up that I need to pot up. Just now starting my mg's and a couple of the giant gourds you kindly shared with me. I'm trying to plant some of my older sds before all hope of germination is lost. I have a couple of Abutilons up,
the blue one, vitifolium, that resents very hot temps. I call it blue may not actually be blue. I have a couple of Pomegranates (sp ?), up too.
Pandy has re-emerged, time for a happy dance
I hope to get a few asarinas up and a tiny bloomer, Eccromocarpus.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh my, I forgot about sowing my seabeans.. those too

I've germinated the rest of the pandys, they are doing well, also, sowed the chocolate mismosa tree seeds, they have not germinated yet.

Put in several rows of corn yesterday too. And on another note, started taking a Zumba class, I barely made it through the first day, and could barely walk yesterday, sore is not a befitting word here.


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A, they say keep on exercising, even when you're so sore you can barely keep going. It helps to work the soreness out faster.
The Choc Mimosas should come up pretty quick. Some will be green and some chocolate most likely. All the sds came off my choc tree though

Mesilla Park, NM

I planted some Box of Chocolate Daturas also, and none have germinated so far..

I have my bag packed for the gym.. and the pool, maybe some water aerobics will help with muscle soreness.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A - Good thing you have lots of property! I can't imagine where you are going to put them all! But it will be awesome once everything starts putting on a show for you this year! I look forward to seeing everything you are growing! Water stretches would probably be relaxing help with the soreness. Or maybe a dip in a hot tub!

Jackie - YAY!!! Your pandy is already showing up! I gotta get the seeds you sent me sowed! I love yours! What is a Choc Mimosas?

I've got the usual stuff growing right now. Most of my stuff is a comeback from last year. I, too, have tomatoes that are just now developing those little yellow flowers. One is Best Boy (I think) and the other is a cherry tomato bush. I love the smell of tomato plants. (My family thinks they stink! LOL!) And green peppers. I am growing something different this year called Melon Pepino. Not sure exactly what the fruit looks like or tastes like ... but I like trying something new. Many of my seeds are up for the odd seeds. I have a cup and saucer vine growing from a seedling too. And some Passiflora vines. (Got to have them for the butterflies!) As well as a watermelon (trying it again).

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

oh i am jealous i have been looking for choc mimosa forever and cant find a source for seeds.

I am trying a couple veggies and tomatoes. I have a few mgs going.

witchit my cat ate all the tops off my tomato seedlings so have to start some over. guess she thought they were catnip or something. hehe

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky just my shorthand for the chocolate colored Mimosa trees. Mine showed up out of a pkt of regular Mimosa trees. This one turned brown by the 2nd yr. I'm pretty sure
it didn't start off choc. Yes it is somewhat invasive. I don't care, I love it anyway.
Has a lot of sentimental value for me since my late mom loved it, so do I.
Marie, I will save you a few sds, they're easy to start but no guarantee that they will be chocolate

Thumbnail by patootie
Mesilla Park, NM

Do any of you guys have any brugs, cuttings or seeds, I'd love to have a couple to grow here, I sure do miss them. Maybe we can set up a trade? Anyone?

Becky, I ordered a couple of passion vine seeds, but that company only sent like 4 seeds in each pack. I don't know if I will have any success with them but am going to give it a shot.

I'm not even going to start my tomato seeds this year, Parks just now sent the collection I ordered, it was on back order for a while, I think it is too late to start them. I think you need to start tomatoes in Dec, Jan for May planting. So they will sit there till December..


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Cool thanks i love them but the one i saw here for sale was way over a 100.00 I can not afford that. wow

A. i would start a few you can save the rest for later. should grow pretty fast once gets warm again. People are just now starting tomatoes and things here. that may be why parks sent you the seeds now as it is here in greenwood .

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Love that chocolate colored Mimosa tree! Beautiful colored leaves. I've never seen one like that before! You lucked out! Thanks for sharing your photo! I just learned about another type of plant this year. :-) :-) :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky. My choc tree does some weird things. It bloomed last yr for the 1st time but did not bother to turn choc colored at all in 2010. It was the choc color you see in the pic for 2009, very strange. Had to be something to do with the weather last yr. Marie,
Hilarious that Wayside at one time wanted 150.00 each for these and mine came up free in a pkg of sds. lol

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh, I hope my seeds didn't get lost in the pot I used, it was a 3 gallon pot and there were also some vigna caracalla seeds in with that, nothing has germinated so far, they are in front of a window.. the vigna I sowed in a flat on a heat mat did a little better, out of 8 seeds only two germinated, so I've got some more soaking to try to get some good coverage here and thus some fresh seeds hopefully.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is one of two tomato plants that I am growing outside. I also have some growing indoors under lights (as an experiment). I am going to have to get some netting for the outdoor ones to keep the bugs off the fruit/tomatoes. But they are doing great!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

That photo above is of a cherry tomato bush. This one show my large tomato producing plant. I think it is Big Boy or Better Boy or some name like that! LOL!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

And I just love the tipsy pots filled with petunias!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Poppies growing with Meremia tuberosa which is coming back. Poppies will be long gone by the time that vine produces any blooms. But for now it looks pretty! :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Mesilla Park, NM

I started some Merremia discecta this year, in CA it did very well and lasted about 3 years before it died.. didn't know if the seeds would germinate from my plants there but they did..

those tipsy pots look great.!! Start the poppy seeds again now, and you will have a second session of bloom.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL! I don't have any more! I planted all of them! But ... I do have some big plump seed pods!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A, I hope you can get your Choc Mimosa's to germinate. Usually they are easy to
start from seed.. May be waiting for warmer weather
Becky love the tipsy pots.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A - That's funny that you should mention the Merremia discecta ... mine is still going strong. I think it is about 3 years old now. I saw the first bloom on it yesterday, but it was already wilting so I didn't take a photo.

Jackie - The tipsy pots are made using rebar stuck down in the dirt and then pots are added and cocked on the rebar pole and filled with dirt. You can't fill the dirt all the way up to the lip of the clay pots though because it tends to run out when being watered. I always water with a long neck watering can to the back of the pot that is at the lowest point. My petunias do very well in those tipsy pots. I have 3 sets of tipsy pots that I have petunias in around my yard. Love how it looks!
http://www.instructables.com/id/Tipsy-Pots-Tower-Planter/ Very easy and cheap to make. :-)

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