help with tree ID

Niceville, FL(Zone 8a)

I am visiting Tennessee for the weekend and saw this tree and would like help identifying it - thank you!

Thumbnail by earthlyjoys
Niceville, FL(Zone 8a)

here is another view of the tree

Thumbnail by earthlyjoys
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

It is certainly a Maple of some sort (Acer sp.), but unless you can show a bud or one of those leaves more clearly, it is tough to say which one exactly.

I'm leaning toward Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum).

Could you snip off a branch so that you could lay it down and focus on a leaf or two? And how about a picture of the whole tree while you're at it?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Probably a Manitoba Maple Acer negundo. Few (if any?) other maples have such long flower stems.


Niceville, FL(Zone 8a)

thanks for the advice, I left that area of the country this morning so I can't get another pic. I did take a good look at the leaves and they sure looked like a maple of some type to me but they were still very curled up and small. I must have just caught this tree at a time when it is just getting the leaves and has many of those flowers. It was a very large tree with a beautiful shape, well over 50 feet tall. I thank you so much for your help.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

The leaves look to be simple, so unlikely to be Acer negundo. The stems are wrong for A. negundo, too.

With the size report, I'm sticking with Acer saccharum.

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