Husbands! Sigh...

Lacey, WA

My grandkids have outgrown this lovely cedar playhouse we bought for them. It's tall enough for an adult to be inside comfortably, and is about 6 feet x 8 feet in size. I want to bring it over to my yard and create a "Granny" cottage out of it. I have what I think is the PERFECT spot for it, but hubby is digging his heels in and saying NO!

He says he thinks it's "unnecessary". I mean, what garden art is actually NECESSARY anyway? I didn't even tell him the Granny part which I'm sure he'd visualize as a junk heap. I have a MUCH better view of it in my head than I am sure he has!

I'm thinking how the heck can it possibly hurt, it doesn't cost us anything, and he always loves my yard projects when I'm done. He's a darling (we've been married 42 years), and so rarely vetoes anything I want, so I'm trying to be understanding...but GEEZE! It's FREE, and it's gonna be SO CUTE! He seems quite adamant about it...and that's so rare for him that I suppose I might have to give in on this one.....BIG sigh!!!

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