Weather for April, no fool!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Rusty that's a Nice Looking Bed!

We had about 3" of rain from midnight till noon today.
Everything is flooded and the Ohio River is going over the top again.
The storm that's hitting caitlinsgarden should be rumbling thru here overnight w/ 2" more rain.
Just what we DON'T need.


Londerzeel, Belgium

Hard to believe that we're so much closer to the northpole here in Belgium (51°N) while we're near 80F every day and next week will even get hotter :s
Bananas, Ensetes and other exotic plants are allready in plain soil here without protection :)
A bit of rain would be welcome though, it has been completely dry here since half march...

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph.

Rusty, I'm glad you are safe. The older I get the more worried about tornados I get.

That's a really nice raised bed and the dirt looks great!

Caitlinsgarden, hi! You are just far enough North of me to get the rotten weather. We've just had a cold rain. I know April isn't warm, but it's been a long April already, LOL!

Ric, dare I say, when it rains it pours.....

Cumulus79, hi! Isn't weather funny? I am always suprised by people's zones. I hope you get rain. I don't like the fear of ''drought'' and I have so much to water.

We should dry up a bit today with the wind coming. I keep seeing all the weeds and dandelions I didn't get out of the big flower bed :o(

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

About 5" since Monday..... FL Rain!

Possible tornado about 20 miles south of us.
Also one about 20 miles west of where we built the GH.

Freight Train noise winds here but no damage.
Only lasted about 15 minutes.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

WHEW! That was close! ;>)

Londerzeel, Belgium

Maybe we get a thunderstorm here one of these days, but the chances are below 1% so I need some very powerful prayers to make it rain here.
We have several fires nearby here because of the draught and there are continuous sirenes from the fire department, but it is probably the fault of all those people who want to do barbecue in open air in these conditions :s

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Coolish yesterday and today with highs in the mid 50s if even that. Mostly cloudy today with chances of rain overnight and tomorrow.

Last night I went to the hockey game and had a blast!! We are in the semi finals and last night was game 3 which we won. Tomorrow is game 4. I will be there for that one too. lol. Gonna be a nailbiter.

Have huge shipment of plants coming in at work tomorrow so will be outside in the cold weather all day. Hoping we have enough room for everything. We set up several different pallets today to hold more plants and I dragged all the extra carts over too. Have even more coming on Friday. lol.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Cloudy with a few showers. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

I sneaked a look at our 10 day forecast and I'm hopefully optimistic that last night was our last freeze. We have a chance of rain for the next week, possibly strong Friday.

Ric, those tornados are getting too close! I sure hope the greenhouse never gets hit!

Is your ground going to be able absorb all the water?

Cumulus, it sounds really dry where you are! I hope you aren't in the path of any of the fires. Are you breathing in any smoke or is the wind in your favor?

I like your website. It's nice to learn about you. I started with your pictures, working bottom to top and got as far as rthe sky photos. I love them! You have a good eye with the camera. I'll have to keep working up when I have the time.

Pepper, I love how you enjoy your hockey!

Bundle up and keep your head warm! I'd be pretty excited about unloading everything!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well the one in KY has been determined not to be a Tornado.
3 semi's and some trailer homes were damaged by 80-120 MPH Straight Line Winds.
The hwy I-71/75 worked as a wind tunnel funneling it right at the targets.

Off to Dayton.
It's going to be Sunny, Calm and Cool.


Londerzeel, Belgium

everything's fine here, we had some smell from rubber and burning paints but then the wind turned and the smell of spring flowers took over :)
Don't think the fire could get here as there are still quite some spaces without dry vegetation to catch fire. As long as I don't start one myself :P

Look how funny the weather maps are, even the hot deserts of north Africa are much colder than Belgium :D

Thanks for visiting my website and the positive comments about it :) I'm now working on a new one about plant swapping. It's located at but still f-a-r from finished.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2011 8:35 PM

Thumbnail by Cumulus79
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The last two days have been tough but very nice in many ways.
At Dad's visitation last night I met a Cousin I never knew I had.
Cilla is my Greek Grandfather's Sister's Granddaughter.
He died before I was born and I had very little contact w/ my G-Aunt Eleni (Helen).
Cilla is also doing a Family Tree.
She was stuck on her YiaYia's (Helen's) maiden name.
"Yia Yia (ya ya) is Greek for Grandmother."
I found some papers of my Grandfather's letters in Greek that my BIL translated and we finally have his Ellis Island name.
Found Helen almost immediately.
And an old HS Friend dropped by. Hadn't seen him in 15 years.

Dad had a Military Funeral and I received the Flag.
Taps are ALWAYS tough. ;-)
Dad received the Bronze Star in WWII.
The two Honor Guard Soldiers were very impressed and said they were especially honored to be there for his send off.


Weather was perfect. Sunny , cool and calm.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Showers and thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. Winds ESE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%.

Ric, the Straight Line Winds are something else. We rarely have winds over 30 mph. so to see them come thru.....

Cumulus, I'm glad your town isn't filled with smoke.

I think we are finally having a normal April. For a long time, March has had much warmer weather than April, and January and February haven't been frigid.

When you get your new website done, I'll have a look.

Ric, that is so neat! DH found his relatives on Ellis Island too. (Dutch) It will be nice to stay in tough with her and so nice that she came to the funeral.

Knowing that his service sent flowers to remember him and sent someone to see him off is always emotional. When FIL's old army buddy came to visitation, I had tears.

We get the boys today and I now have Checkers, I Spy, and Operation to play with them!

Londerzeel, Belgium

Finally we got some showers here, nature is coming back to life again :)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

A mix of clouds and sun. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

Cumulus, yayyy, rain!

It rained most of the day here and in the evening too.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Strange Bright Ball of light spotted a few minutes ago.
Either the Sun or a UFO..... I'm going w/ UFO

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Tornadoes all around us yesterday evening, but all lives were spared & our community went untouched. Can't say that for the St. Louis & neighboring IL communities; such as my hometown of Granite City, IL.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Just rain here off and on. Today was mostly sunny so didn't have to worry about it today. Tomorrow and the next few days we still have chances. Heard chances of tornadoes too and even worse than the last one.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

If we ever get over this drought we can start bailing out the water! LOL!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Not much sunshine here lately. It hasn't been nice yet either. I don't see any more 32* overnight temps, so I hope we are going to head into Spring now.

I mowed and hung clothes yesterday! The grass is sooo green!

I think I can pull a few rhubarb stalks already!! The asparagus has poked out and we ate three small ones. YUM!

(Zone 7a)

Ric, we just call it the Day Ball. It's peeking now...

Warmer every day but not where we should be. Been busy digging new beds I have been given "permission" to have. LOL

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

MORE rain today! The Ark is coming along nicely ;-)

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
EarlyBloomer wants to play..........

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

ANOTHER T-Storm is moving thru....... sing harder E_B!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

Celia, isn't it funny? We plan the beds with every intention of making them. The approval is just to make them happy :o)

Oooh, that's almost the shape my Butterfly Bed ended up to be. It was a small circle at first, LOL!

Hey Ric, DON"T take any mosquitos, flies, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, bed bugs, rats or mice on board. OK? The list keeps getting longer, LOL! I only started with the first two.

Early, that's a good chant for all of us!

I hoed, raked and planted 6 short rows of spinach before it started to sprinkle. Then I sowed all the seeds I needed to put under the lights in the house.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Good morning Ric, LOL!

(Zone 7a)

BP, I had to appeal to his sense of logic. "If I dig the bed out THIS way, it will help when you mow." "I am taking out the grass along the fence. That way, we won't hit the new fence with the weedwhacker." "The front beds looks AWEFUL. The grass has grown into EVERYTHING. I have to take it ALL out and start over." "Veggies are SUPPPOSED to be grown in raised beds. (heh heh heh) What? Nothing..."

Rainy days. We have a couple more days of it and then, hopefully, some sunny days.

40º, breezy, overcast.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Camdenton, MO(Zone 6a)

Kwanjin - Did you get snow today? My DH's bro sent a picture of it snowing in West Jordan today. It didn't look like it was sticking to the least not when he sent it. :-)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cold, wet and dreary!! Rain all day yesterday and thru the night. Today it's just cold and wet. Bootheel of hte state is flooded pretty bad now due to a levee breaking due to flooding.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I had to leave home at 5 AM to get to Mankato Hospital for surgery at 6 AM. I had a small navel hernia fixed.
It was raining when we left & we got wet going from parking lot to the hospital door.
This is the first time in my life my body has been cut open. Never a surgery or a broken bone. Quite an experience. The best thing about it was how nice & friendly all the nurses & doctors were. They took any scare I had out of it. All went very well & now I can take it easy for a month. Do you believe that.

(Zone 7a)

Yes, we did get snow. Snow, hail, rain, styro-snow and sun. Ahhhh...Springtime in the Rockies... Does your brother live in West Jordan? We're only a few miles from there.

Monty helps me at my computer. DH asked, "How does he help?"
I said, "By hiding the clutter."

This message was edited Apr 26, 2011 10:01 PM

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Cloudy skies. Slight chance of a rain shower. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph.

Celia, ROTFL!! That was clever, I just took over the mowing!!

I'm trying to get a small section of my bed raised in the garden. He just can't see it. Well, we're getting stones anyway :o)

Oh wow! I love the bed, and the heron, and the rocks! Buddha just makes it perfect!

Morning ImaMes!

Pepper, sympathy for your wet and dreary. Especially the flooding. I like April, but I'm ready to leave!

Bernie, as long as I know I have anesthetic, I'm ok with any surgery. I'm glad your's went well. You better take it easy :o) Stitches can be pulled loose inside.

Celia, Monty knows just what needs to be done. Let us know when he starts stacking it into piles :o)

We have another chance for rain today :o(

I dumped 4/10'' last night. That's a total of 1 & 6/10'' over the last two weeks. Just enough. The rain chances get less each day anyway.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cold with temps only reaching mid 50s late afternoon and the sun peeked only a few times. Windy too.

I hope those of you in the path of the major storms are ok. Lots of tornadoes out there!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Increasing clouds with showers arriving this afternoon. High near 55F. Winds WNW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

Pepper, I read your weather and see mine :o(

Is this more than usual, the number of storms and tornados for the South?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Way more than the usual. Normally there are that many tornados in a year. This has been a very active season this year.

Mid 60s and sunny today. Strong winds but it still felt nice so can't complain.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny to partly cloudy. High 67F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.

Pepper, I thought so. Since we didin't get rain yesterday, and I didn't think we would. We rarely see rain two days in a row, much less three. I should be able to get out and plant later today. I've done all the busy work I can. I need to dig!!

Provo, UT(Zone 5a)

its snowing here right now... AHHHHHH
enough of this winter.. sunday is may 1st.. sigh
i wonder if im going to be able to put anything (tender) out this summer or not..

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Weather here is just horrible this spring. Supposed to hit 70º today. Might have got to 60º before clouds & cold wind set in. It is so bad the things inside the greenhouse look terrible.

Not one kernel of corn planted in MN. Normally farmers would be done with corn & be planting soybeans by now.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nothing planted here either by farmers. Soil hasn't been plowed anywhere that I've seen. We've been too wet. Today was a nice balmy day but we are still wet so no planting.

(Zone 7a)

Hey, Tropicalnut, good to see someone from near home. Did you get much snow? We didn't. It was sort of hit and miss. Maybe more tonight?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Windy with showers this morning then scattered thunderstorms developing during the afternoon hours. High 66F. Winds S at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

Hi Tropicalnut, snow? How depressing! I have a feeling Iowa is going to have a cool Spring. That's not good for my tomatoes and peppers :o(

Bernie, isn't that cold wind something? I've never seen so much wind. I have a feeling Memorial day is going to be freezing!

Pepper, we're a little luckier since we missed some of the rains. I see a few fields harrowed and ready to go.

Celia, glad you had no snow :o)

We have a chance of rain today, so I worked in the gardens all day yesterday. I planted all the early things, radish, turnip, kohlrobi, beet and the rest of the spinach. Then I watered all the rows.

The weeds in the picture are gone. I took pictures too soon, LOL!

Thumbnail by billyporter

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