WW Recipe - Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

A tasty treat Serves 6 people

4 oz cooked crabmeat
4 oz tiny shrimp
1/2 cup minced onion
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup reduced calorie margarine, melted
6 tbl bread crumbs
24 fresh mushrooms, stems removed (reserve and chop stems)
1/4 tsp each salt, pepper, curry powder, or and herbs of your choice

Wash mushrooms, remove stems and reserve. Place mushroom caps on a cookie sheet. Mix together the crabmeat, shrimp, onion, lemon juice, bread crumbs and chopped stems. Pour melted margarine over top and toss until mixed. If mixture is too thick, add a little water. Top each mushroom cap with mixture. Bake or broil 15-20 minutes.

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