What's in a name?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Testimonial service at church was off to a good start. A precious sister on the front row stood and spoke, "Pastor, I want to thank the good Lord for touching my husband. He is not a regular church attender but God has touched him. Two weeks ago my husband was in a very serious car accident. His scrotum was torn in half. The doctors said the best they could do for it was to wire it back together with titanium wire. I believe in prayer, Pastor, and I prayed for my husband's scrotum. And God has answered my prayer. It's been just two weeks and my husband is up walking around with very little pain. I want to thank God for healing my husband's scrotum."

The pastor and congregation were silent, hardly knowing how to respond, when a gentleman stood in the back row. "Yes, Sir.", the pastor acknowledged him. "Do you have a testimony?"

The man replied, "I'm her husband and she means sternum."

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