Strange seed pods by swiss chard

Adelaide, Australia

Hello everyone,

I was doing a bit of work in the garden today and came across some interesting seed pods growing straight out of the ground next to my swiss chard I picked one of the pod and squeezed it some seeds came out, This is my first attempt at growing swiss chard and thought they might be pods coming from the chard so I looked up swiss chard seeds and they look nothing like the ones I found in these interesting pods, Could I please get an identification for the pods so I know what they are please?


Thumbnail by kye71
Adelaide, Australia

Thank you lucas13 appreciate the id.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

how interesting that Fungi have seed, containing spores. Bizarre

se qld, Australia

lucas, thanks for the id. The growth habit reminded me birds nest fungi , but any time I've seen it it has already popped open and exposed the seeds.

This message was edited Mar 28, 2011 7:27 AM

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