Year of the Salvias

Merino, Australia

In my garden this year , because of the mild weather and extra rain, it is the year of the salvias. I have a lot of them just coming on nicely.
Dont ask me the names as I never worry about labels on the general garden plants.
Salvias do really well here and I have them planted everywhere I can fit one in.
Jean .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia


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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

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Merino, Australia

no 15.
Not great pics because I was dodging raindrops .
sorry wrong pic, this is not one of my photos, just one for an ID.

This message was edited Mar 26, 2011 11:11 AM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Right pic this time.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Victoria, Australia

Stunning plants!

The one for ID looks like a S. microphylla or greggii cultivar.

Merino, Australia

Sorry lucas, I gave the wrong impression. I wasn't looking for an ID here but I had the pic to check on mine when it flowered. I just clicked on the wrong pic when uploading on here.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Great collection Jean - and a lovely garden!
Salvias are beaut plants. There are many different forms, coloured flowers, scented leaves - the lot! :)
One we are growing here is S. 'Anthony Parker'. It forms a nice rounded bun shape, about 1.2m. Just about to come into bloom now. Looks good planted with Tagetes lemmonii nearby.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Victoria, Australia

Great plant, Wayne.

Anthony Parker is a hybrid between Salvia elegans (pineapple sage) and S. leucantha (Mexican bush sage)
Interesting :)

I love Tagetes lemmonii... rubbed leaves have an excellent passionfruit scent.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, I have to report this act of vandalism in your involves Salvia" navajo dark purple", that I bought last year and was so pleased with and a David Austin called Pretty Jessica.
I was removing the Romneya and had pruned the Salvia and the Rose right back so they wouldn't get damaged in the process when the phone rang, Ray said that he would finish the job of removal, because it was to be a long phone call...

When I returned, he was so pleased with himself, because he had removed the Romneya, which was enormous, as I previously told you and tidied the area so well that it looked as though the Romneya had never been there.
I was looking at the area which seemed very bare, when I realized that the Salvia and Rose were not there either..

"Oh", said the culprit," I stood on the rose and it snapped off, so I pulled it out and I pulled out the other because I thought it was a dead stick, I thought that you wouldn't notice."

With all that he has been through of late, I couldn't say anything...BUT I WAS THINKING LOTS OF THINGS, NONE OF THEM COMPLIMENTARY.

Still on the bright side, I can replace the Salvia and there is that new David Austin that I was looking at.
Jean, your Salvia collection is's amazing how different they can be isn't it.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2011 12:20 AM

Loved the Salvias Jean ...wonderful plants.
Oh Dianne you have a plant killer too? (sigh) I know how you feel ...lucky we love them anyhow isn't it?
Very pretty Wayne.
One of the best things about the Salvias is the self seeding.

Merino, Australia

Dianne, so sad for you. Lucky you can replace the plants.
Men need to be supervised. . They are worse than children. ( sorry Wayne, Anthony and others not needing supervision )

barmera, Australia

Dianne and Chrissy, I have to tell you a story about my ex. I had 3 little boys at the time so plenty to do but was trying to mow lawns and grow a nice garden. He used to come along and dump all his rubbish out of the car straight onto my garden. One day I walked out the front and blow me down he had just dropped a pile of steel droppers straight onto my lovely rose bushes. I saw red. I told him if he EVER put another thing on my garden I would put a hole in his Diesel tank. He never did it again, so he must have believed that I would have done it. lol. It's funny when you look back but at the time I was livid. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

I would love to add a few salvias to my garden...
I have a pineapple sage that mum gave me so I guess that is a start :)

Clifton Springs, Australia

Pineapple sage is a great plant Teresa, pretty flowers, great smell....a good way to start.

OK Colleen, you've got me...What are steel droppers?.....your story conjured up a vision of very large cranes dropping very large steel
Your ex learnt his lesson anyway.

Merino, Australia

Steel droppers are a local name for steel fence posts. In some states they are known as star pickets. Confused ?? So was I when moving between states.

Sounds like something that happens here all the time now hubby has "semi retired".
Lost count of the number of things I have fallen over, so I don't go outside after dark any more after almost breaking a leg on some steel girders delivered unbeknownst to me . My shin was purple for months and still sports a dent.
My front garden is no longer a place of pride.
Lots of stuff like this

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Merino, Australia

I've just seen a pic of a near black salvia.. I don't suppose anyone would have a piece or seeds.
I know I shouldn't but it did look so pretty.

Victoria, Australia

It may have been Salvia discolor, Jean?
Check that name on google images.

Mine is tiny currently, and I'm not sure how it will go over winter as i heard it is frost intolerant :/.

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