Heres my income tax splurge for the year!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Well I went to my local Southern States feed dealer this afternoon! Yes , of course I did, I saw that they just got in their chicks, I HAD to go and look!
Well the best thing about it was that they had premade coops for sale. They are selling them for a local gentleman who makes any size you want by any plan you want! I went in and saw that Chick brooder/banty house! It comes with a set of 4 ft. tall leg supports so it is up off the ground. It comes with a warming brooder box , light and all. I will turn that into a nest box.
the whole price was $200.00! .....Now I have to find some one to help me unload it out of my truck!LOL!!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Ferndale, WA

Eufaula! You didn't! Of course you did. That is really cute, and if I may say! You deserve it and I love it...You Rock...Hay

Richmond, TX

What a clever feed store! Congratulations on your new acquisitions.

(Zone 6b)

Eufaula, I think we are hopelessly addicted.

You got a great deal, and will have lots of fun with that. Plus, we get to hear your chicken stories. What could be better?

Bridgewater, ME

What a find great deal!!When you get it unloaded take more pictures.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi guys! I couldnt find some one to I put this ole Granny head into action! Hmmm if my grandmother were here she would say, " Girl you can figure this out, I didnt raise any bad eggs!" So I got two of my 4X4 landscaping timbers , laid them on the back of the tailgate and under the end of the coop. It slid down so easily. then I put the timbers under each side to get the coop off the ground. I will pick up the legs /platform today.
Now I have a project to complete! I need to paint it. It is made of plywood, so should I kilz it then paint and what type of paint so as to be safe for the chicks?
I have roofing tar paper and shingles , so I also have to learn just how to mount them with the appropriate nails so no leaks in the roof.
I'l have photos this afternoon! Im soooo excited!.....and I just knew you all would be too!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

you go girl!!!!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Here it is! It really is bigger than it looked in my truck. It will have to sit on the landscaping timbers for a while yet. Its pretty heavy and I havent found anyone around here to help me put it on its stand which is pretty high, but it will keep the land varmits out.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Heres the stand. I will modify it with chicken wire and Hard wire around the base and bottom. I want to put a little escape hatch in the bottom of the coop and a ramp to the ground level.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

side view with the little "peephole" above the window, Havent figured that out yet! He made a little cover for it so its all safe and sealed. The windows are plexiglass and they slide.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hardwire cloth at both windows.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

sliding back door. Im going to have to make some type of latch for it.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
(Zone 6b)

Eufaula as I was "chicken surfing" yesterday I saw a coop that looked almost identical to yours. It was selling for $450 or $500 I have forgotten which.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

door open , you can see the exit into the coop is the same.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I know LFJ , Im so tickled! I think I made a great Score!! LOL!
The top of the coop is hinged!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

So you can see the size. Heres Roho and his girl checking it out!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I told him it wasnt for him! and he just looked at it as if to say, " Well... it looks like a really Nice place......If you are a Runt!"

Thumbnail by Eufaula
(Zone 6b)

You are such a fun woman. That rooster probably did look at it just that way too. ROFL

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Copperjack says, " I'm a runt I'm a runt.......and I will fit in their just fine with at least 4 ladies!!!"

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I wanted to show you all the "Bonus", that came with the coop! The gentleman makes a brooder to go into the coop.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

The top lifts off and you can see the light inside. The tray is slightly larger and you line it with grit or sand.

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Add Chicks and they are home sweet home!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Okay Mom when do we get to move in for real???

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 8b)

Looks like you are on your way! The guy who made that for $200 didn't make a penny for his labor. He was just plain doing you a favor. ^_^

That is a nice setup.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh Eufaula, what a deal! I am so jealous. Is that store close enough for me to go see his work? I have wheaten marans hatching now! and will need another brooder house soon. Someone gave me 5 chicks that will become "white chickens." Not a clue as to what breed, don't even know if they are layers or broilers. I'll want to keep the 2 sets separate until I decide which ones I'm keeping. Becky

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Texasrockgarden I never met the gentleman but apparently hes sticking with his prices!

Beclu , I found it at the Hickory Hill Farm and garden store in Eatonton. Off Hwy 44 on Old phoenix rd! You can google Hickory Hill feed in Eatonton .

(Zone 5b)

You got a heck of a deal, I love it!

(Zone 6b)

Beclu, how far are you from there?

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi LFJ. Its about 75 miles, an hour and 45 minutes drive through beautiful country.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

OOh, Heres a thought , Beclu why dont we meet up and we'll drive over to the store together and we will have lunch ! Im free next weekend......hopefully all the bad weather we have been having is all gone! I would love to meet you!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Love that idea Eufaula. Not sure how this week is going to go yet. I have out patient surgery on Tuesday and don't know how I'll be at recuperating. I'll dmail you later.

(Zone 6b)

Can I come too?

Ferndale, WA

HEY! What about me...I wanna go to...I'll even buy lunch...Hay

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey YES!!!!!!! All of you PLEASE do ! Oh wouldnt that be the greatest! meeting for lunch, Chicken talk and good to, finally, meet you Hugs!!! I couldnt think of anything better!

Sounds funny ...but it would be my DREAM date!!! LOL!!!!

This message was edited Mar 28, 2011 8:26 AM

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

ooooh ouch! outpatient surgery, Beclu I pray everything goes well Sweetie!

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

That is sooooo coool looking! That guy is a peach to produce something as well-made as that and keep the pricing within reason. Hope you have many happy days of use from it!

(Zone 6b)

Chances are he loves doing it. Probably takes great pride in his work, and might even be a chicken person himself. :)

Honestly, I felt so happy when I was working on that little coop. It gave my mind something to concentrate on. My worries took wings.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Busy hands make for a happy heart! Thats what my grandmother used to say =D!

Ferndale, WA

I agree Eufaula. Doing what you love I think does keep the prices down. I know my wife thought I was crazy building for this lady for so little, I had to explain to her that I loved doing it. I keeps me busy and is a change from yard work...That coop is a great price and I bet he sells lots of them...Hay

(Zone 5b)

Beclu727, I hope your surgery is over with and you're feeling good!!!

Yeah, wouldn't it be FUN for all of us to get together??

Finally, I bought another coop today! It's 6 x 8 (floor to ceiling is 9 ft) and was used as a display for a shed and coop company. It needs some work, pred proof the windows and paint. The nest boxes are on the ouside too. How many adult LF chickens can be kept in that size, comfortably?

I plan to use it, with a fence around it, as a transition coop for the young ones, or maybe some day broodies or as a breeding pen. Not sure yet, but the price was so good I couldn't pass it up. No sales tax or delivery charge either! It'll be a few weeks until I'm ready for delivery, still have to measure out and put in a gravel bed for it to sit on. First, I'm going to finish my list of wants/needs for chickens. There are so many tempting breeds of chickens out there but I really need to be realistic and make sure they are good egg layers. A few eye candy chickens will be ok, but eggs come first. I wormed the chickens a week ago Saturday so have to toss eggs for another 4 days - my family is starting to wimper about needing eggs LOL

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