CLOSED: Birthday Club 2011 #5

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Rule number one is HAVE FUN! If you can't bring a sense of humor or a smile to the party don't come.

Rule number two is about the "gifting" of birthday goodies. New plan that I hope will solve the problems of most of the people with financial issues. All goodies must fall into one of these 3 categories:

1. A handmade or crafted something that you do. Most everyone I know on DG sews, paints, crafts or does some sort of hobby that they could share in some small way with the birthday people. If it is only a handmade card that you can send for $.44 that is terrific.

2. Second category would be plants. Hey we are a gardening forum after all. A lot of folks have extras or starts or cuttings. Send what you can afford to ship.

3. Gift cards for plants, or gardening related items or anything else that people have mentioned in their wishlists. I am not going to set an amount. Make it whatever your budget allows. Once again it is about the thought and the effort. Anyone that does crafts would love a card to Micheals or JoAnns etc. I know I would. Keep in mind a lot of gift cards can be done online eliminating the postage issue all together.

Now that we have the ground rules set I encourage everyone to go to the New Likes and Dislikes link and adjust their posts accordingly. List your plant wants. List the places you like to shop or would like a gift card from.

Current Members:

Rouxcrew (Joy) Jan. 15
ClanCampbell (Chris) Feb.28
MaggieHanson (Maggie) March 10
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) April 9
Janaestone - (Dianae) April 12
JenniferShipway (Jennifer) April 22
Merrymath (Mary) April 28
momoftwo607 (Erin) May 6
Crit (Patti) May 10
LoveForests June 8
GAgirl1066 (Paula) Sept. 1
Ridesredmule (Charlene) Oct. 1
Rvnsbrk - (Juanita) Oct 9
GardenQuail (Michelle) October 28
Sherman99 (Karen) December 3
Dahtzu (Faye) December 25
Hope43 (Hope) Dec. 28

New Likes/ Wants Thread

This message was edited Mar 27, 2011 10:31 AM

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

We came from here::

Get ready for April!! Lots of birthdays and lots of fun coming.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, am I really an early bird in the new

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

snowing here. Just started about an hour ago. The totals have gone up to 9-12". =( Keeping Anna home from school today. All the schools around us are closed, except hers? I may keep myself home from work too. =0) I have FOTV's bday present ready to go but will have to wait until tomorrow.


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Fruit Loop what the heck are you doing up at 6:49?????

Well you know it is going to be a bad day when you have screwed up royally and it is only 9AM. I love fixing things that end up making things worse and then having to take more time. Faye I need you. Please come and solve my painting issues. :)) It wouldn't be a problem if DH would mark the paint with the room it goes in.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here's Louie, We are here..

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Just wound up way to early this morning and couldn't sleep waiting for our camper to be returned from repairs today. What a long ordeal but it's finally home safe, looking like a new penny.

Stay in where it's warm and safe, Erin. At my age, every day counts so don't feel you have to rush the mail on my

Louie's a beauty, Char. What kind is he? All I know are Rhode Island Reds.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Louie is beautiful.. or shoud I say Handsome? :)

I was having a nice talk with Maggie last night and suddenly on the tv is a weatherman saying to take cover cause we're in a tornado warning! I got off the phone and started watching where they were talking was close to me, but since I'm a TX/OK transplant of course I didn't go hide!! Nope-- I took pics!! LOL

Here's what the sky looked like :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I did get some hail too..didn't think to look at my Escape today to see if I need to call the insurance company.. hmmm..I might need to look into that!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Believe he is what my Granny would have called a "Dominecker" He is a beauty.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey guys, I am here! Well sort of, I am hiding at the library because my internet air card went out and I am so behing on everything. I have finally been able to take a little time to get together some of the things for the birthday girls, mom is running me ragged and getting ready for the hundred people that will be on the farm this weekend has kinda pushed me over the top, not hard to do to a blonde, mind you. Temp today? 89. My antique roses are going nuts which is a good thing since they got bit so bad with the 16 degree freeze we had a couple months ago.


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Could you imagine 89, rightnow? ohhh, I would so love it. Better than 30! =D Were all flying down to Joy's house for warm weather! hehe.


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Yepper Joy make it 101 people this weekend. LOL!!!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Goodness Nita...I would love to do your painting for you. I'm a strange one, really do like to paint.
That is one pretty chicken. Could someone make a ceramic or clay one that size? would love it.
Stay warm/cool and happy
Hugs to all.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Joy, bet every one of us would love being with you. What a treat it would be to have you show us your farm.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm sure there is one (chicken/Rooster) all that got to do is paint the Greenware. Louie is a gorgeous boy.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure wish I could be there to help you, Joy, and could make that 102 folks at the farm this week-end. Been thinking about you, Girl. Hang in there!

I like to paint too, Faye, but this time of year I'd much rather be spreading mulch. Maybe I can after after our freezing temps are gone in the next week or so. Are you doing OK since your cataract surgery?

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan, yes I'm doing great since eye surgery. Can see everything! Having the left eye done Apr.6.
Hugs everyone.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's great news, Faye. Will be thinking about you on the 6th.

My B-day started early with wonderful gifts today from Char...

3 packs of seeds, two sets of her gorgeous handmade earrings and a matching bracelet, and a visor with a polymer clay pin of Charley’s head.
Next is an adorable set of Charley and Hummingbird ornaments -- the detail on these is incredible, beautiful blank note cards, a paperweight cube with a delicate hummingbird scene, and two hilarious clay frogs.

You really outdid yourself, Char. Thank you so much. Love it all and you too!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Love it when I got happy folks with my gifts. Thank you dear for telling what all you liked, it made it easy. Only thing I missed was the flipflops :-)

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Ridesredmule, what beautiful and cute gifts! You are so generous and a great artist/crafter :]
Oh, and Louie the rooster is sooo beautiful.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, she is Chris. We have a big gap in B-days between May and September. Hope you'll join us as a June bug.

Char, Last week when daytime temps were pushing 80, I wore shorts, a tank top and flip I'm covered there...LOL! This week our nighttime temps are back down in the 30's and are struggling to reach 50 during the day. Your adorable frogs are already in my houseplants and will pack the ornaments in my Christmas bins tomorrow and think of you when I decorate our tree. The cards are so pretty too, I was just about out of blanks :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Welcome Chris!!! Chris is thinking about joining our little cadre. See your Dmail kiddo. :))

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Glad I tucked them in. They do come in handy. June is a great month for a birthday, so is all the others too.....
Seamule, I made.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I hope Maggie got my package. It should of arrived several days ago. Has anyone heard if her husband is being deployed or not, or heard from her at all?

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Yippeee!!! Chris (LoveForests has joined us for sure and I have added her to the list above She has already filled out her wish list and the link is up there. So now we have a birthday in June!!

My April birthdays will be going out this week.

Maggie are things OK now with you?? Check in and let us know if DH is being deployed. If you can that is.

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm ok, just busy being a single Momma of 4 at the moment. Keith did get deployed. We've been able to email back & forth just about everyday, so that's nice. I'd like to get a phone call, but phones are far and few between I guess. We're not sure how long he'll be gone yet.

I have quite a few pictures and thank you's to post! I'm sorry for taking so long.

In no specific order.....

1st is from Twyla (hope43)
A tin "spring" sign...Spring is my favorite season! :)
A black wallet...can never have too many purses & wallet's!
A purse size year planner with purple flowers on it.
A cute ladybug keychain.
2011 mini calendar with flowers on it.
2 flower shaped windmills. One is orange and yellow, the other is blue. I can't wait to get my front yard finished and decorate with all of these pretties!

Thank you so much, Twyla!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

If some of these are repeats, it's because I only have 1/2 of my brain functioning at this time....

Next is from Fruit...
A days of the week notepad/mousepad. I needed that! I have to write EVERYTHING DOWN! I'm a note freak!
6 beaded rings...Love, Live, Imagine, Trust, Believe, Laugh
A candle "Twilight Woods"....smells fantastic!
3 Begonia Bulbs
And a bottle of white wine...."Sweet Mountain Laurel". That came in VERY handy when I found out Keith was deploying. I drank it all! :)
Thank you soooo much, sweetie!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Next is from Patti (crit)....
A pair of toe socks....I haven't worn these since I was in high school! How fun!!
2 Firefly orchid clips....Hailey thinks they're HAIR clips! lol
Cute little "worm" watering gauge.
2 bags of microwave popcorn that I plan to use to make popcorn balls with my kids.
A bag of water crystals that I need to do some reading on as I've never used them and I don't want to mess anything up. I'm always excited to try new things!!!

Thank you, Patti!!!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

And from Paula (GAgirl)....

A window bird feeder...I needed that! I didn't have any because we weren't allowed to have bird feeders on base in Alaska. The birds are dangerous to the jets so we couldn't lure them in. NOW I can have all of the feeders I want!!! YAY!!!!
A tin water sprayer that's covered in flowers.
A pink Amaryllis bulb
And a white Amaryllis bulb.....I'm excited to get those babies rockin!!!!

Thank you, Paula!!!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

This one is from our sweet Charleen....

A pair of gardening gloves...I'm just starting to learn to wear gloves outside in the summer....I must be tired of the dry cracked hands from playing in dirt!
A yummy can of chocolate wafers. They're perfect with my morning coffee!
A "vanilla cupcake" scented candle...I can never have too many candles or different scents!
"Kiss me, I'm Irish" socks. They're my favorite color....PINK! :)
A magnetic metal hummingbird shaped screen saver for a screen door or window. I've never seen anything like this before! I LOVE IT!
And 3 of her super adorable polymer clay creations....A blue frog :) .....A flower pin. I think it's a white and purple pansy, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm NOT very good with the names of flowers. :( And I now have my very own Charlie!!! He's so cute! Even his teeth/mouth are detailed. I love him!

Thank you, Charleen!!!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Here's Charlie's mouth.....Awesome job, Char!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

All 3 clay creations......

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Maggie, awesome gifts!!
And I hope things go smooth for you as possible. Stay strong.

Ridesredmule, that seamule is truly cute! You are talented.


Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

One of my most favorite cards of all time is from Michelle. I will cherish it forever! Inside she included a pack of cosmos seeds.
Thank you so much, Michelle!

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson
Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

I have more, but it's baby feeding time. I'll be back in a few!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

WOW Maggie.. Now aren't you glad that you didn't drop out after all? :0) Hang in there and be strong for Keith. He is lucky to have a good woman like you to take care of things on the homefront.

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes I am! These boxes have made me smile over and over! Thank you all for being such thoughtful, generous people. I love you all!

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
That's great news, Faye. Will be thinking about you on the 6th.

My B-day started early with wonderful gifts today from Char...

3 packs of seeds, two sets of her gorgeous handmade earrings and a matching bracelet, and a visor with a polymer clay pin of Charley’s head.
Next is an adorable set of Charley and Hummingbird ornaments -- the detail on these is incredible, beautiful blank note cards, a paperweight cube with a delicate hummingbird scene, and two hilarious clay frogs.

You really outdid yourself, Char. Thank you so much. Love it all and you too!

Char...You just keep getting better and better with that clay! Beautiful work!

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

This one is from Chris (ClanCampbell)....

A hardback book "Ribbon". It's awesome! Teaches how to tie certain things like flowers and bows and TONS of ways to decorate with ribbon. I love it!
For my kids, she sent a "Grow your own birdhouse" gourd kit! They were thrilled!!! That was so thoughtful of you, Chris. I really appreciate that.
A pack of "Amish Friendship Bread" scented potpourri.....OH MY GOODNESS!!!! If I didn't know better, I'd have eaten it!
A "Kitchen Spice" scented ladies have my whole house smelling great!
A bird feeder with sunflowers all over it and sunflower seeds in it. Another YAY!!!!! I can actually have bird feeders again & I'm ecstatic!!!!!!

I was Chris' frog swap partner so she included those in my box and I'll share those with you all too.

Thumbnail by MaggieHanson

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