Historic iris pics?

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

It will be a while before my bearded irises start blooming. Even calling for snow again after a week where the temps. reached up to 75 deg.
In the meantime, although I absolutely love seeing the photos of the newer TB, how about some historic iris pics??

Here is a pic of a holding bed of my irises before labeling and moving.

Thumbnail by estrail1rider
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

What a great picture. Very clear colors on the iris. Love it and thanks for sharing.

Gainesville, TX

oldies but goodies...earliest of bloomers here

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

this old one is much shorter, but I don't know the name on it either. It is just good after a year of waiting to see them start to bloom again. I think I will move these under and in front of the old whites this summer as they have the same bloom time and little else is bloominhg. I have a few blooming daffs left and of course the violets and oxalis, I need to group them together for a better effect..... summer project #1

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

sharondippity - I think your little plic is Arctic Fancy.

Snowed last night, but spring is here!
Happy Solstice

Thumbnail by hespiris
Gainesville, TX

I"ll be wishing you some our heat soon...........spring is very short here before summer overwhelms us. It is already in the low 80s.
Thanks for the heads up on the plic..........I had thought maybe Rare Edition, plantfile pictures and descriptions are very similar

Winnsboro, TX

Sharon I have what looks alot like the same one blooming here. I don't know it's name either, but I thought it might be Griffin. I do have several clumps of them here and there through the big beds.
I have tons of bloom stalks already up. It will not be long before I have lots of color everywhere.

Blooming today and like you said it's on the shorter side so it's probably a border baby, intermediate or something along those lines.

Happy Gardening,

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Iris and daylily Bed with lots of buds.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Daylily and Iris beds out back cleaned out and ready to start blooming. Yippee....Can't wait to see the peak bloom period.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's one of my iris from last Spring, behind is a yellow Baptista.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

One more. I'm excited to see how the irises will do this year, a lot of them have increased fans and hopefully I won't be affected by the dreaded iris borers, like I was for the first time last year. The irises have been cleaned up and dosed with Bonide that has Imidacloprid in it.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Oh...I can't wait for mine to bloom this year. A lot were moved last year and some I ordered last year...I am really hoping they will bloom so I can really see what they look like.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I planted quite a few last year and they have increases. Not sure if they will bloom or not but I'm hoping!

Gainesville, TX

a few more oldies are showing their colors

Thumbnail by sharondippity
springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Your soil looks so lovely, is that peat moss around the iris in your pic? Looks like some mulch? maybe it's mixed together?
I love how there aren't weeds :)

Gainesville, TX

The City of Ardmore provides free bio-sludge locally. It consists of waste products with tree and plant materials composted, pasturized and certified safe for human use on vegetable, lawn, or flowers by the state of Oklahoma.......free at the site about once a month.
I have a 15 yd dump truck. It is a 60 mile round trip and wait in line to be loaded 30 minutes or more for us. Sometimes they will have only 1 load for us.
The cost of deisel is still going up. We sell to several members of the local community and ranches, charging only for our time and fuel cost. Still a great deal for the product at about $300 for 15 yard truck loads. AND...lucky me.......I have half a mountain of the good stuff. I really need it here. My so called soil is pure beach sand, no nutrients or humus at all. I cannot use it directly over the top of the iris rhizome as they are prone to rot with too much nitrogen. I mix it into the soil around the iris and can use it as a mulch year round over all other vegetation. Food garden, flower gardens, and lawn. Solid gold to me!

Gainesville, TX

No weeds cause I been working like a DOG!

Pleasant Grove, UT

I have the same material available here but they want $20 a yard. This amount fills the bed on my little pickup truck. Even paying the $20 for it, it is still less expensive than other organic material except my own compost and I really like it both as a mulch and also as a soil additive. I used a load of it last fall in two beds I will plant this summer. I wish I could magically remove everything in my established beds, til in several inches of this material and replant the bed but I'm getting to old for such a major project but I often add some to a planting hole when I plant something new, Good stuff.

Gainesville, TX

Oh, it is a lot less expensive than the packaged stuff. I think a whole lot better.....I do wish I had access to mushroom compost, but will settle for what I have and be grateful.

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