Midnight Mystery lily

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have an empty bag that says Midnight Mystery lilies. I have a pot that says that same thing. I would like to plant the pot but can't find this lily on the internet, does anyone know what color this is and where I can find a pic?


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

This is what I found. DayLily. Did you plant bulbs? or roots?

Thumbnail by ge1836
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

No it is a lily, I found the bag with the picture. It says lilium midnight mystery and it is almost black it is so dark . I can't find a thing on the web tho.....I got this bag from costco with 9 blubls of midnight mystery and 9 bulbs of white pixels. White pixel I can find everywhere.....very odd.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

OK did you check Plant Files?
It might be an odd ball

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yes, I have checked the plant file. I at first thought it was maybe a mis-print but someone told me someone else in 2011 bought the same lily from costco.....

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oooo that sounds like something I neeeed! When did you purchase them, this year?

The only reference I can find is that someone entered it in a show in Alberta http://www.arls-lilies.org/index.php?s=show_results

Sadly, lilies that can be had from the big box stores frequently have a new name slapped on an older lily to generate interest.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I can tell you on the bottom of the bag is longfield gardens, llc but they don't have it listed on their website.

It is a really really dark dark red almost black in the picture on the bag, it was included with White Pixel which would be beautiful together it looks like. Says it has a 6 inch bloom. No a whole lot of info on the bag.

I sure didn't know that about the box stores. I have been buying these from costco for a couple of years, the price is usually great and they have so many different colors. Guess I don't mind the names but if I want to trade or give to someone they might think I am a con artist or something.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Believe me, I have a few of those odd-named lilies that have never been seen or heard of since I bought them. Macarena, anyone? How about Heart of Passion?

Of all the box stores, I have to say that Costco is by far the best. I know someone that bought a 'mixed bag' there one year, and I could easily identify a couple at a glance. That is a quality vendor. I recall seeing White Pixels and Landini being sold together last year ~ I'll bet it's similar.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I bought these last year in the spring after they had marked everything down. But now that you talk about Landini, I think I have that one also. Looked on the web and they look very very very similiar, like eactly...rofl.

I think you hit the nail on the head.....Moby thank you so much perl said you would be very helpful. Glad you came along, I think Midnight Mystery is Landini, will be interesting when they bloom.....proof will be in the bloom...rofl

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

See! I told you Moby was wonderful and she is.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Aww, shucks....

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Moby, I think you're blushing.

I save the bags from Costco bulbs, many with odd names, because I cannot remember them. But you're right about the merchandise. I've never been stuck by any of their bulbs, spring or fall. Surprised but never disappointed. They've carried giant alliums, fritillaria, crinums and such. Just wish I were smarter about knowing what isn't really a perennial in zone 6. The bags marked Longfield Gardens have always been exceptional. I cannot seem to control myself: if you don't buy it when you see it, it may be gone when you look the next time. The stuff flies out of there. So tempting.

Undaunted, we still check out the sellers.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That we do, and just last year I bought some potted lilies at Lowe's. They looked just like the picture on the tag so... what the heck! At worst we dig and throw them away.

What do you mean you can't control yourself? Control? What's that?? ;)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Control is that an english word? Don't think I know of it.

You are right about the Costco bulbs, I can go one day and back the next and they will be cleaned out! I have a bad habit of going there during lunch.....rofl I try to keep all the bags so I can have the pictures.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Moby - "Control" is for freaks. Haven't you ever heard of control freaks?

Just take photos of the bag, including the name, and put it in your photo program. It's far easier than keeping all those bags.

Then, after downloading the photos to be sure you can read the names, get rid of the bags, and reward yourself for clearing out the clutter by going out and buying "just a few" more lilies.

Thumbnail by pirl
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh pirl, you are trying to save us....rofl. I am sure that is much easier than dealing with all those bags.....
I was gonna be all organzied this year.....hope it is a really really long year.....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I just had way too many bags in the garage and they took up too much space. Now I have all that free space...for other junk.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl, isn't that the truth, clear out a spot and fill up two spots with something else....rofl.
Usually tropical plants.... ;)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My replacements are certified trash - not even plants.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hummmm, you have your trash certified? I am impressed...rofl. I can barely get my car licensed...rofl. Sorry just thought that sounded funny. I took and I am honest a full size pickup full, way past the sides to Goodwill. I thought the guy was going to pass out. I kept going thru things and filled up our entire entry hall, listed it all, then DH loaded which took a long time and off we went. I now understand when my parents told me they didn't need anything, they weren't being nice, they just didn't have anywhere to put anymore stuff...rofl.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Would genuine trash sound any better? By any name we give it we still need to toss stuff and Jack will make a dump run soon.

Your parents were right, as mine were. Everything becomes a storage problem in time.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh, and I hate to know someone spent good money on something I just can't use. The thought is so sweet of them, but like you say the storage issue. I saw a show one time that talked about the cost of things in your home you don't want, it was sort of funny. They took the cost of the house into the square footage and said this piece of "stuff" you don't want and don't use takes up X amount of money in real estate...rofl.

Now these flowers are a whole nother issue...rofl. One time DH told me when I was bringing the tropicals in, said "Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy new ones next year".....he is so naive...rofl.

Boy that is one thing when I look at all those bags that I have purchased and the plant tags and etc...wowzer...
That is a good idea to take a pic of them, then I could get them in my journal.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just curious, happ - is your journal on the computer or on paper? So many people have journals now and I feel so out of place by not having one. LOL

The thought that others spent that money on gifts for us weighs heavy on my mind. I feel obligated to use the gifts and yet feel it's using my time to spend learning the new addition that I could easily waste in other ways.

Your DH has a good point with the plants that come in for winter. At least now the porch floor is better than last year but I'd like to have fewer plants but can't part with any of my amaryllises and my coleus plants are a delight - I could go on and on but each plant seems to find a home here.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I started out using the journal on DG, but figured I needed to do it on my computer in case something happens to DG, would hate to go to all that work and lose it.

I can't murder a plant by leaving it outdoors for the winter...rofl. I always seem to find a place to stick it. I have accumulated so many tropicals now, to replace them would cost a fortune, sides alot of the I have traded for from DG. Have to admit sometimes in the winter I think if I only had a perennial beds I could just stop and rest all winter and we have long winters.....but instead I am gardening all winter long...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That just the reason I don't do tropicals. Come autumn, I'm tired of gardening and need a break. My 3 little house plants do me just fine. Then there's that warm, musty smell of seed-starting in March... yum.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Moby, you are alot smarter than me. I tell you come December when I have to go outside to the garden room in the freezing cold I don't like the tropicals so much...rofl. Course after I get in there and warm I am pretty happy, until I have to go back to the house, then it is back outside. This year I had a snow drift about 4 feet tall between the house and the garden room. Never had that happen.

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