Two years TB Iris Putting on the growth.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The TB iris I have here that I planted not last summer but the year before, are really looking good and sending out the new offshoots all over the place. I expect those iris to bloom well this spring as they did last year but should be even better this year.

On the other hand, the TB iris I planted late last summer are mostly very dissapointing. Many, most actually, didn't put on any growth after being planted last year. And then the rhizomes weren't like my normal top notch large Schreiners rhizomes. Although I did get some from Schreiners and those were big. Got some other biggies too but most of the large amount of new iris I put in a new iris bed is not doing much of anything. I am hoping for lots of growth and increases this spring as soon as it warms up so we will see. Yet my older ones are already growing like gangbusters as I said.

I tell you if I ever get any more TB Iris (I am out of room) I am going back to Schreiners and planting in July to give them plenty of time to grow and bloom the following year.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I bought from Schreiner's last year also.....not very many....7 or 8, but I've purchased from them since 1990's. I have always had great service from them. All the new Schreiner's rhizomes have at least 2-3 new shoots on each side. I bought from Snowpeak, Sutton, Rainbow, Stanton and Schreiner's. Schreiner's had the largest rhizomes while Sutton and Stanton were a little smaller. Rainbow and Snowpeak were smaller yet. I have lost a few and I'm hoping they will be replaced. I am giving them a little longer to see if they come out of it. If not, I will contact whichever garden I bought them from and hope they will replace them. Schreiner's will replace a rhizome the next year after purchase if it doesn't make it, even the bonus iris. Not sure about the others.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I don't think my iris have made any great progress growing, it must be too early. It got cold again so that did not help any.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Schrieners has always replaced ones that did not make it but not the last time. I lost 8 last spring. I got them in August 09 and I contacted them as soon as I saw they did not make it and they said I maybe should plant in July instead so thought they would be sending them but nothing ever arrived. I am almost sure I got lost in the shuffle somehow.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have never had to replace a Schreiners Iris as none ever died for me. I love their iris. I always get large rhizomes that start growing right away. More than I can say for some of the other places I tried last year.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I think they just did not get established quick enough before a hard freeze and then for 3 Mo on and off it froze and thawed on and off. It was a crazy winter not unlike this one. I have gotten their Iris for 20 years and never had that happen either and never had to replace any until then.The Rhizomes they sent were very very nice.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I would check with Schreiner's again....they have always replaced any I have lost. They will only replace them the first year following purchase though.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

It would be too late now. I should have called and asked them when they ere sending them as I am sure like I said I got lost in the shuffle. It is a very busy time of year for them. They were really nice ones too. Darn.

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