another question

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi all! Of course, I have another question, lol! Do any of you pinch your MG's? Mine grow plenty tall every year, but I really want them to cover this ugly wire fence between us and the neighbor's, so thought that when they start climbing if I pinched them some, will they branch more and fill out more? Or am I better off just planting them thicker? Thanks!!

Mesilla Park, NM

skellogg, yes they will get more branches when pinched, but, if I were you and wanted fast coverage, I'd plant severaL seeds in each container and pinch every other one, so that while one is recuperating the other one is filling out your area. Just put in some cheapo ones especially the purpureas that are really hardy to heat and cold. You could stick a few nice I. nils in between. Hopefully others will chime in here with what they would do.


Mesilla Park, NM

P.S. once you get 6 leaves or more, fertilize heavily (once a week) and you will a ton of foliage.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A - That's a really good idea! Mine did well being pinched, but it does slow down the growth a bit when you do pinch them back. Every other plant is the way to go!

Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, that will give the pinched ones time to grow and the others can cover the space for a while, then pinch the alternate ones the next time. That way you never have a void.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks! What a great idea, pinching every other one! Would never have thought of that, so am very happy you suggested it. Our WM store has a bunch of seed pkgs for 1.00, but I have collected some seeds, and several really generous DG friends have donated more for my cause, so it will be easy to do that every other one. I don't usually start them indoors, but can easily do so, so that would be the easiest way, I'm thinking. I don't usually fertilize my MG's, because it encourages extra foliage growth, lol! And yes, I know, but do you think that would cross my mind? Nope! Never once thought of that either, lol!!! And really, I am not a blonde, really! LOL!

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