God bless everyone..

Suan Phung, Ratchabu, Thailand(Zone 11)

EQ and Tsunami.... god bless everyone to be safed, from the disaster...

Be safe.
Go up to high ground if you are in the danger zones.
You are in our hearts.

(Zone 1)

Sending my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by the catastrophic earthquake that hit Japan. I've been watching the news for the past couple of hours and my heart aches for all who have lost so much due to this disaster . It's very scary with the fires and now the tsunami waves ... and it must be even scarier since it's night time in that area of the world.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Same here. I hope those of you down in Hawaii and other areas on Tsnaumi watch are out of the danger zone by now. I have family down at Pearl Harbor but have only heard from one who is at higher ground. The other one is busy evacuating everyone I think.

Everyone be safe and report in when you can.

This message was edited Mar 11, 2011 2:54 PM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thoughts and prayers for all our fellow travelers. We certainly seem to have an unhappy planet right now.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sending caring thoughts, stay safe friends.

Keaau, HI

Some houses were lost on the Kona Coast. A few campgrounds were washed away. Several marinas were wrecked, and boats were sunk.

Not sure if everyone is accounted for and safe.

Unknown what may have happened in Micronesia yet.

Virginia Beach, VA

My thought and prayers for everyone affected . . belle

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Dave, so glad to hear from you. Hope you are OK! Has anyone heard from Jen or Carol? Very concerned for them and for IslandShari.....

Any news would be appreciated.

I was awake and saw the tsunami hit Japan! What a shock. I immediately started praying for all of our friends in it's path. I am so glad to hear from you Dave. Did you have any damage? I hope not.


Keaau, HI

Hi Jeanne, thanks for the concern.

I live at 900 ft. / 300 m, so my place is not affected. Carol lives at about 850 ft.

The lower roads in Kihei and Lahaina on Maui were flooded, but there is no significant damage on Maui, except by the Kahului Harbor where some buildings were flooded (water went 1/3 of a mile inland).
Hopefully Jenn is okay.

Any folks living in coastal areas may have problems.

A wall of water over 10 ft. high swept across the Pacific. Nations with atolls may have had life changing situations.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will see if LouC is still in touch with Shari. Maybe she can find out how she is doing.

Glad you and Carol are ok, Dave!! Hopefully Jenn is ok too. I'm still waiting to hear from my cousin down at Pearl Harbor. Haven't heard anything yet. I figure he's ok, just extremely busy.

Keaau, HI

Rainbow over Ahumoa.

Hope for the Pacific Islands.

Still no news about what has happened in the Island States.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

My heart is with any that are affected. speechless.

Keaau, HI

Hey Pepper,

Pearl Harbor & O'ahu had tidal waves of 3 ft., and haven't experienced any damage. Folks are still collecting themselves from early morning evacuations.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dave. Appreciate it.

I just dmailed LouC and asked if she has heard from Shari or Jenn and knows how they are faring. Hopefully we hear from her in the next day or so.

Pepper23 shari is in the USA you can find her on facebook.
So don't worry she is ok.

(Zone 1)

Chrissy: Shari (IslandShari) lives in the Marshall Islands. Jenn, I think is in Hawaii?

Sorry she told me she lived in the USA now only a little while ago (a couple of weeks) on face book.
I didn't know she had gone back.
Sorry if that is incorrect.
I hope all is well for her.
I see her on live chat there right now so I guess she is fine.

(Zone 1)

Chrissy, no apologies warranted. LOL, I may be thinking of someone else. I thought Pepper23 and IslandShari were two different people.

Live Chat, what's that?

edited to say: LOL, I realize now that you meant Live Chat on Facebook. I haven't been on FB very long. I'm old and still haven't figured it all out.

This message was edited Mar 11, 2011 9:11 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi says Shari and JB are in Colorado now, so they are safe. Still waiting to hear from Jen. Dave said Carol is OK.

Pepper glad to know that you are OK!

Dave, thanks for the info on Maui and Oahu.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks all for the update on Shari and JB. Glad she is back in the states and out of danger.

I just heard from my cousin a few minutes ago. He's good, just busy. They were on standby last night in case they had to get the jets out of there before the tsuami hit.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Pepper, so glad to hear that your cousin is OK. Take care of yourself. Have you defrosted yet?

It has been just beautiful here. It was 42 this morning but the rest of the week is supposed to be warmer.

My patio plants have survived so far. The banana trees not so much. We had 120 last Spring and due to the cold weather are down to 60. Spring will bring new growth hopefully. We will have them cut back March 31st. Hopefully it won't freeze after that.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Daytime temps here lately have been around the 50s and today we hit 70 for a high. But still cold at night. We're slowly getting there. Robins everywhere which is a sure sign of spring. :~)

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha all,

I had a very busy night last night with every bed (and sofa) in our house filled with various friends who were staying down (or living) on South Kihei Road and who were evacuated. They started drifting in at 9pm and the last family arived at 2pm just before they closed the roads, so I was up all night. As soon as we had the stand down at 8.30 am and people left, I hit the pillow for the day!

Frightening pictures coming out of Japan and great worry here for visitors who are trying to reach their families and haven't been able to do so. We have two young visiting couples staying where I work who are worried sick.

I just caught the 5pm news and the Governor used a local saying - "Lucky we live Hawaii". Other than some harbor damages and a whole lot of mud and sand on some coastal roads we lucked out here on Maui.

Aloha to all.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Praise the Lord! It is so good to hear from you, Jen! We were all so worried. We are so glad to know that you and yours are OK! We all had been praying for your safety! God definately answers prayers!

God bless you for your wonderful kindness and hospitality to help out your friends! Take care of yourself and try to get some rest!

We will all rest better now knowing that you are OK! It's been a long 24 hours. We will continue to pray for the people in Japan and other areas that were affected.

Dave, we hope that you were able to get good news about your friends and family in Micronesia. We will continue to pray for them!

Again, Jen, it is so good to hear from you and know that you are OK. I had checked the Maui newspaper for the 11th. It said that there were no injuries from the tsunami, so we were hoping that you had not had any damage or flooding as well.

I need to go to bed. Dearest Granddaughter is here and we may do some shopping tomorrow.......actually now it will be later "today."

Much love to you and yours! A-L-O-H-A!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I have not been able to garner any concrete updated information, but according to Japanese officials, over 9500 people are missing from the town of Minamisn-riku, a suburb of Sendai with a total population of about 19,000. Good thoughts and prayers for their safety. Thus far the official death toll is over 1300.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Since Thursday there have been 7 or 8 earthquakes, including a 7.0 near Christchurch, one in Indonesia, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Vanuatu...and the list goes on. It would seem that earth is not happy at the moment....The Honshu quake has moved the Japanese coast 8 ft and caused the Earth to shift on its axis.


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