trying something new

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I love the baggie method and soaking and stuff. they all work but am trying something new.

Kfc was where we ate the other night with friends. They had these cool little resuable containers for there sides now. sides have gotten small. but anyway thinking of trying them to start seeds. put the wet paper towel in bottom seeds in paper towel then cover with another paper towel and put top on mini container. mini greenhouse for seeds. and can even put peroxide in it too if want to soak seeds. its clear plastic

will let you know how works.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sounds like a plan! I had these little tiny cups that I numbered and dropped two seeds in each for soaking in H2O2. When the seeds started splitting, I planted the seeds in the bigger 8 oz. stryofoam cups with potting mix. I had a very good germination rate doing that!

Good luck and do let us know how those containers work! Pictures would be great so that we can see what those containers look like. :-)

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Why peroxide?

Mesilla Park, NM

That sounds great Marie, it sounds like a great plan and you could put so many more seeds in a plastic container too.

I believe that Peroxide in the water provides oxygen to the seeds (correct me if I am wrong please anyone).

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, it provides oxygen and helps prevent seed rot. :-) All good! :-)

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

for this newbie, what is the ratio of H2O to peroxide, and do you just soak it overbite? Thanks for the help in advance!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 8a)

The best disinfectant I have ever used on seeds, is plane old 10% Iodine, and it only takes a few drops. You want it to be pale yellow, not black orange like it comes out of the bottle. And you can get it at any drug store. I have kept germinating seeds in a film of water in covered petri plates for 2 weeks without mildew. I never did get mildew while using Iodine. Frank

Mesilla Park, NM

Hey Frank, good to see you here...!!! wow, long time no see!!..

Are you talking about the same Idodine used for cuts/wounds, etc? Thanks..

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Wow Hi Frank. ok Iodine. I did get a few seeds to germinate but a few rotted so will give the iodine a try.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

The use of Iodine is something worth trying! Thanks for the heads up on that, Frank!!!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 8a)

Gourd, yes it is the same iodine. Beware, Iodine stains permanently, worse than anything I know. I would suggest a trial experiment with seeds known to rot easily. It only takes a few drops of the iodine, because it is so powerful. Put in the water til it is lite yellow, and then moisten your paper towel with the yellow water. It gets evenly distributed this way. Frank

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