
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I start most of my seeds either the baggy method or nick and plant. I was sent a very pretty jmg. now do I start them the same or is there a special way to start jmg's? thanks

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - If you had good success with your methods growing any common MGs, then I don't see any reason that you won't have the same success with the JMG seeds. Do you have enough seeds to try both methods that you use? If so, I'd definitely try both! Maybe try each method with one seed?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Good idea I have 4 seeds so will try both methods. Its supposed to be a dark purple with white lines through it. very pretty. have the name somewhere. will let you know which works. Thanks!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Perfect! Let us know for sure which method works the best for you! I suspect that both methods will give you germination results! :-) Can't wait to see the blooms of your special JMG! :-)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

me either. The pack looks so pretty. Its even in Japanese. My daughter took claim to the pack. She loves the Japanese culture. She Is doing a term paper on it for world music. One of these days I know she will go there.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh! That's neat that your daughter is doing a paper on that JMG! So she'll get to enjoy it, too! I hope she does make a trip to Japan in the future. I would love to go back. I don't remember anything about Japan except from photos. Being born there and then returning at 2 years old, no memory whatsoever about Japan, except my Japanese nanny. :-)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I have never been I cant fly due to medical reasons. Yea she wants to go so bad. I wish I had a few other packs for her to look at but its the only one right now. Had a few from years back I put up (from Sbarrs swap) and don't you know it put up for safe keeping even from my self. hehe I hate doing that forgetting where i stick stuff.

oh well going to bed night all.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Nite, Marie!

You'll come across those MIA Japanese seed packets some day and they should still be viable! :-) It will be a nice surprise for you! :-)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I had them when we moved and know they are at this house.Put them up as soon as I found them and now cant remember where. Oh well they will show up eventually. Bad thing is i know which ones they were. I got both sazumi's and a mixed pack of striped ones.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - Maybe it's time for some Spring Cleaning and to find those seed packets. I love Sazanami! I grew most all my seeds and shared a few with friends. I can't remember, but I wonder if I shared some of my seeds in the group seed swap 2 years ago?

Mesilla Park, NM

I agree with Becky, if you had success with the baggie method, keep on doing what works for you.

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