
Mulberry, FL

Hi I am a hound for verigated plants found these this weekend

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mulberry, FL

Heres the flowers

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Nice verigated Phalaenopsis. Congratulations.


Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Great combination of variegated leaves and candy stripe flowers.


Perham, MN(Zone 3b)

That is one fascinating plant. Where do you find such things?! Of course, I see most of the people on this forum are Zone 8+. Whereas I'm in Zone 3b. Perhaps there are just more orchids around, here and there, where you are. Does anybody mail-order for orchids?

Mulberry, FL

Hi I worked a show in Zolfo Springs more or less a vinteage tractor show there was a few vendors selling plants. I really like the verigated so just had to have a couple of them. Seller sold hundreds of plants a day.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Joanic, I'm in the zone 8+ group, and I think we ALL buy orchids from the internet! There are some great growers in the Chicago area...Like Housermann and Oak Hills, that I know about. It's all about what they have to offer, and researching to see if it will grow in your environment.

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