seeing some new faces stop by say hi

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I have seen some new faces here in the past month or so so why dont you stop by and say hi and tell us about you.

we all love morning glories here so don't be shy to get to know us and let us know you. Marie

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hi from an old face! LOL. And your right we all love morning glories. Welcome to new enthusiasts from me.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello ^_^ I tried to resist! to no avail : ) and have started seeds..

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Why resist Kim? Wish I could start seeds but I nil love warm and it's cold right now!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Kim! Welcome to the MG Forum!

Jon and others - I hope it warms up soon for y'all. We had a cool snap here today, but tomorrow it is supposed to be back up into the high 70's / low 80s! I can't believe the cold weather you are getting in March this year, Jon! Brrrr ... I hope Spring arrives for you pronto! :-)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi KIM Hi Jon. Becky it was cold here too. Down to 32 last night and tonight . BRRR but anything possible till the masters are over which is April 15th.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello all (I feel like I've done this before)!

Although I've "lurked" in this forum for years, it's good to actually participate and post occasionally.

I've mainly inhabited the Plant and Tree ID Forum trying to help when possible... many times learning about completely new genera of plants.

I've been hybridizing daylilies for over 15 years – the last 9 of which trying to develop flowers with some true blue coloration. My results have been less than stellar when compared to the famous hybridizers' cultivars. I've kinda lost some of my enthusiasm for crossing DLs, so I've decided to give it a go with Ipomoea.

Umm... what else? I'm geeky when it comes to remembering scientific names, but have "chilled out" a lot in the past few years... this webpage has been the main reason:

I guess that''s all for now.
Oh, please feel free to refer to me as Nick, since it's my actual name. However, I've been known to answer to the names "Slash," "Doofus," and "Gwendolyn."

Did I mention I'm obsessed with plants?

Daylily 'Christmas Is' -Yancey 1979

Thumbnail by nifty413
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Nick - Loved that article in the link you posted! LOL! Thanks for sharing that! :-)

Welcome to the wild world of Morning Glories! :-) It can be an addiction just like daylilies. The best part is the vines bloom the same year. The worst part is that most are annuals. But that's okay ... they grow quite well from seed in warm sunshine and often bloom their little buds off to delight everyone here! :-)

I've kinda gotten bitten by the daylily bug myself. Some online friends have been sharing seeds with me and I've had much success growing them. Last year I got first blooms from most of them and I was about knocked off my feet because they were so beautiful! I'm growing more from seed again this year! I have one 3-tiered bed that is almost completely dedicated for Daylilies. :-)

I really liked your "Christmas Is" bloom photo! Beautiful! Love that greenish-yellow throat! Lovely!!! I had no idea that there are blue blooming daylilies! Cool!

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Love that article Nick! So true, living as I do in Japan pronunciation is something I fully understand, believe me!
I've never grown daylilies actually I've not seen them here. Morning glory is quite another matter, everyone seems to grow them here, often as a sun shade, they are so beautiful! Welcome to the forum and enjoy morning glories!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the warm welcome! I tried to resist because I try to grow more than I have room for lol!!
Awesome article Nick!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Hello from Maine where our growing season is short and I like to cram in as many blooms as humanly possible. I have been growing MG's for about 10 years now, and have no problem trying any variety once. That being said, I am learning that some varieties only need to be sowed once.....and you'll have them forever.
I started out with heavenly blue as blue is my favorite color and quickly fell in love with anything after that. I've grown several strange and unique MG's but I am (I fear) this forums worst nightmare.......I don't keep track of names! I start out with good intentions(mark everything) but alas with over 500 seedlings in various windows and cornors of my house....they get lost:( Also being stuck inside for the winter months makes me crazy so I have several winter blooms going also.
I grow alot of daylilies (understatement) iris's, lilies, roses, and echies along with many other hardy perennials. I also grow apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries and a huge veggie garden.
I lurk here often, but seldom post, although I have posted more in 2011 than all the years prior :) I love coming here to see your pictures as your vines bloom, it helps to keep cabin fever at bay, I learn as it snows, and it gives me something to look forward to. ^_^

This message was edited Mar 8, 2011 8:14 AM

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Welcome and everyone else either old or new.

I don't keep track of names either. I have been known to on some special ones but I end up losing tags to my 4 legged creatures. They think they are play toys.

I grow for the love of it.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Celeste - Another beautiful daylily! You are going to have to share a photo of your garden areas. With all those plants, it must be beautiful in the Spring and Summer months at your home! :-)

Marie - I keep track of the vines, but seem to be getting really lax on my names for my photos! I used to be really organized, but the more I grow, the less I keep track of each and every bloom photo! LOL! I grow them because I love them, too! :-)

Mesilla Park, NM

Hello everyone and welcome. I'm also an old face here, morning glories are one of my many loves, and as a child I used to pop the closed flowers and sometimes the buds, I now realize that they may not have ever made seedpods. Come to think of it, they were probably pollinated already by the time I popped them.

Anyway, good to see you all, and happy growing.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I did that too! I remember A.
Someone please tell me what daylillies are? I want some too! Portulaca and Busy Lizzie are among my favorite flowers.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - You can skim down this thread to see what daylily plants look like:

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)


Just be careful – like certain other plants/flowers, daylilies can become addictive!

Some basic info & care instructions:
About hybridizing:
Growing from seed:

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

"daylilies can become addictive" Heed this warning!!!!!!! I did not and now I have well over 300.
Their pretty little faces looking up at you .....

Thumbnail by pixie62560
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

in your favorite colors.

Thumbnail by pixie62560
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Sending you reaching for your wallet ....

Thumbnail by pixie62560
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

before you know what your doing!

Thumbnail by pixie62560
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL! Jon has probably seen my crossed assortment of blooming daylilies. I believe he has seeds to try! They are beautiful bloomers to grow, for sure! :-)

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Celeste: What's the name of the first one that looks white w/plum eyes?
*in the back of my mind I hear "you really shouldn't ask, you know you don't have the space or money for it*

You have some real purty DLs!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

LOL Nifty! They are:
#1 'Westbourne Easter Egg Hunt'
#2 'Strawberry Fields Forever'
#3 'Litttle Rainbow'
#4 'Cat Dancer'
and this one is 'Border Bride'

Thumbnail by pixie62560
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

All of them are quite lovely! You must frequent the daylily forum here on DG, Celeste? :-)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I used to all the time when i first got here(2006) and the lily forum also, but not as much anymore. I mainly lurk now :)

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Well that brought quite a response! Not sure I need another addiction, OK here we go, what are they in botanical terms? I just can't seem to find them here! They are so lovely I can't resist. I'm so bad!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Hemerocallis is the proper name for day lilies.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Thanks darling!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - This is my raised bed of daylily plants before they start blooming. The plants have long blades for foliage. Mine stay evergreen here because we don't get snow.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

You are welcome Jon. I love daylilies too. mine are starting to pop up all over but worried about the weather. My trees are flowering too.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Nice bed Becky, and a very healthy looking salvia in the middle!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi all,

I've been roaming at DG for years and became a contributing member last year.
I just sowed some 'Sunrise serenade' seeds. Have gotten many MG seeds from very generous traders.
Last year I grew 'Emma's gift', Grandpa Ott's, pink one, moonvine, pink moonvine, etc.
Would like to grow some other varieties (hint, hint!)

I also grow Asian veggies and help care for a bed at our church filled with Texas bluebonnets, red poppies, and orlaya grandiflora, daylilies, marigolds, violets, and lilies. The bluebonnets and poppies have started to bloom!!!


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful daylillies Nick and Celeste.
Your Daylillies will be beautiful Becky.
I love your yard, everything in it made more lovely by the wonderful white picket fence.
Can't wait to see it covered in glories this summer.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I almost missed your daylilly bed Becky, that's gonna be quite something!

i'm really new to MGs, only had heavenly blue at first but thanks to very kind DG members i have seeds from several others and am going to be in MG heaven soon! i have over 300 ft of fence to cover and plan to do it all with MGs. hope the critters will allow this.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - Each daylily plant is a different looking bloom. LOL! They are a crossed mix of seeds from other generous gardeners! :-) I think you have some, too, right? I love daylilies! They take a beating here and still show off until Fall! :-) Though many only bloom once a year, they are still worth growing because of the beauty of those amazing blooms! :-)

sherman99 - Hope to see photos when your vines start growing and covering your fencing! When they bloom, you will love it! ♥

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Yes Becky I certainly have been blessed with seed from other DG members. Yours and others friendship has become a lifeline to me, living as I do in a foreign country with little communication. I fear becoming reclusive, bitter, trapped as I am with nowhere to run. A bad case of cabin fever I guess! Springs coming and a chance to get into the garden will make a world of difference.

pajonica- i know the feeling, living out in the sticks and not being able to drive any more. thank goodness for friends.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - This keeps me going when I remember this saying ... "This too shall pass." And I know that it is true! Spring will get there soon for you! I don't know if I could handle living up north because I need sunshine and being outside every day. Maybe I'd have to take up snow skiing! LOL! And probably break both legs! LOL!

I know it must be hard living in a foreign country and feeling somewhat isolated due to the language barrier and culture. And raising two children as a stay-at-home dad. It is certainly a challenge! {{{hugs and cheerful vibes being sent your way!}}} I hope Spring shows up on your doorstep pronto! :-) You definitely have friends here to cheer you on in your journey of living in Japan as well as dealing with life's challenges! :-)

This message was edited Mar 10, 2011 8:19 PM

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