Mount Laurel, NJ

I was also very satisfied with COLOR FARM. While they don't have as many pictures on their website, they do have good coleus. One day I just did a phone search and called them. Vern Ogren (owner) picked up the phone and was very nice and helpful to talk with! I have been pleased with my orders from them. One of my favorites from them is 'vulcan'.

Thumbnail by coleuslover123
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Is that ba large upright?

Mount Laurel, NJ

What does 'ba' mean? The cutting of vulcan I purchased in Oct is now about 1.5 ft high. It is about 8 inches in diam and is a rather airy structure. I have taken a few cuttings off it though. I'll post a picture later. It has turned a darker red. I think it will brighten up once it gets out in the sun.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

ba typo.

Mount Laurel, NJ

I think this 'vulcan' one will get redder once it gets outside in the sun.

Thumbnail by coleuslover123

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