Ghio Catalog

Pleasant Grove, UT

Joe Ghios catalog arrived today. No T.V. for me tonight. I'll be studying the catalog.

Kansas City, MO

I hope mine comes tomorrow. I have been waiting to order from him for the first time. Usually I spend all my iris allotment by the time I get his catalog. This year I have been waiting impatiently :) . I want to send you a private D-mail about one of his cultivars. I just cannot wait to know if he is still offering it. I hope you do not mind.


Santa Ynez, CA

sweet, it arrived, oh what beauties..........

Boaz, KY

Oh -- how does one go about getting a catalog please?

Kansas City, MO

Send $3.00 to Bay View Gardens, 1201 Bay Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.


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