Owl outside my window

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Last night I was awakened by an owl sitting outside my bedroom window in the walnut tree. It was 2:00 in the morning and I rolled over and hoped he'd go away. He didn't. It's mating season and he was looking for LOVE. Obviously, there aren't any willing females close by 4:00, I'd had it. I got up and went outside, where I could see him about 30 feet above me. There is still lots of snow on the ground so I used that as persuasion to move him along. Unfortunately, my arm is only good for about a 28 foot throw.

I certainly hope the neighbors were all asleep as I stood out there in nightie, winter coat and my husbands rubber muck boots lobbing snowballs at a tree. I'm almost positive I heard the little bugger laugh.My hands got cold and I stuffed them in my pockets and stared back at the owl. Then I realised what I was meant to see last night.

The stars were brilliant. Even though there was but a sliver of waning moon, their reflected light on the snow illuminated the landscape. The only sound was the soft rustle of feathers and clicking beak as the owl settled down again. It was amazing how quiet it is in the wee hours of the morning on a winter's night. No whisper of wind, no chirping crickets, no sounds of man. Just silence, pure and clear. I stood there feeling the bite of the cold and watching my breath turn from foggy wisps to frost. As my heart slowed, my anger dissipated. I looked at the owl again and thanked him for waking me to such a night. After all, you can sleep any time, but moments of true peace are rare indeed.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

LOL on the outfit and you 28 foot throw and the little bugger laugh, but it was so nice to hear your description of your surrounding. It's so true, that we don't often take time, to notice the bounty of beauty our Creator has given us for free. Bet if it hadn't been as cold, you would have stayed there longer. I know, I would.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Just beautiful description, I felt that I was there. We have a pair of Great Horned Owls who used to "clock in" about 9 pm on summer nights. They would use the cottonwood tree across the road to start their evening. The tree has been down for years (unsafe) but it is wonderful memory. I can still hear owls some nights "who cooks for you"..I think they now start the late evening call in the burr oaks.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Glad you found the beauty of it after all. I just love hearing & seeing our owls. Lucky you!

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