CLOSED: Ipomoea collection for SASBE I. purpurea, nil, others

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I'm cleaning out some extra seeds I collected from my garden last year to make room for new seeds. Easily grown open pollinated species and varieties; most were isolated, none in this group are intentional crosses.
I would prefer to send all packets to one person-the first to post here. I think 3 first class stamps will do it.
Ipomoea alba, Moonvine
Ipomoea purpurea, Sunrise Serenade
Ipomoea purpurea, Sydney
Ipomoea obscura
Ipomea setosa, Brazilian Morning Glory
Ipomoea sloteri, Cardinal Climber
Ipomoea turbinata, Lavender Moonvine
Ipomoea nil, Chocolate
Ipomoea nil, Light pink flaked
Ipomoea nil, Orihimi (Oreheme)
Ipomoea nil, dark pink/white tube
Ipomoea nil, Seiun
Ipomoea nil, Chachamaru
Ipomoea quamoclit, White Cypress Vine
There will also be a surprise Ipomoea or two.

dmail heading your way

Pittsburgh, PA

I would love to try these vines. I was thinking of expanding my vining plants.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wow sorry I missed this one.

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