Help with tree

Dayton, OH

My Colorado blue spruce tree dropped a lot of dead needles last fall, I was just wondering if that is normal or do I have something wrong with my tree? I never noticed it doing that before.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Show some pictures of the current condition of your tree.

Conifers/evergreens drop a certain number of old leaves/needles annually. Different species retain annual growth of leaves/needles differing lengths of time. That is why some species look "thicker" or denser - because they hold more years worth of leaves/needles. The normal shedding will be the oldest leaves/needles on the plant, which will be the ones most interior (on older branches, not the tips).

If this is just the annual shedding of oldest needles on your spruce, then the fact that it dropped a lot of needles means that it had grown quite a bit and set a lot of needles during the year that those grew.

Dayton, OH

Thanks Valley, It's good to hear I'm not going to lose my tree. I did get a lot of the needles cleaned up yesterday. It's still a mess. Can't take any picture's, I don't know how to load the picture's on my computer.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Conscript your friendly neighborhood 12 year old - that's how most of us old codgers have to learn IT stuff...

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