Are you a Germaphobe?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I run around with a lady who is very conscious of germs. She carries hand sanitizer with her always and if she touches anything, she sanitizers her hands. We often go to flea markets together and as soon as we get in the car, she sanitizes. Sometimes the smell of alcohol about knocks me out. She doesn't pet my dogs because they're "dirty", altho she has two little dogs of her own which she is constantly bathing. If one of her dogs pees in the floor, she gets paper towels and wipes the floor with her foot, NOT her hands. Then she mops the floor immediately with bleach water. She won't sit on anyone's toilet but her own--not even mine, which I usually clean right before she visits. She won't use the hand towel I have in the bathroom for guests, which is clean; instead she gets a paper towel. It all seems obsessive to me. I think she's a germaphobe.

What I think is funny is that she eats out all the time. Almost all of her meals are from fast food places, which I think probably have the worst hygiene habits. People cough and sneeze on the food they're making. They talk over the food as the prepare it and serve it, in essence spitting on your food. They don't wash their hands between handling money and handling food. You don't even know if the food itself is clean.

How clean is your home/car? Is it spotless? Can we eat off your floors? I wouldn't advise eating off mine, but I haven't died from it yet. :-) Do you hand wash your dishes or do you run them thru the dishwasher to sterilize them? Do you sanitize your hands and your house frequently? I do mop floors and wash door knobs occasionally but certainly NOT obsessively (so be warned, should you visit me).

Don't get me wrong; I like things clean. And when I'm expecting guests, I'm particularly diligent and clean thoroughly. I have leather furniture and tiled floors (no carpet), so when I clean, things are truly clean. I'm very careful when preparing food for guests. I absolutely do not want any of my guests sickened from eating here. But my house is definitely lived in--a little dust, a little dirt and a bit of dog hair here and there, but nothing toxic I hope.

What about you?

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