CLOSED: Available: Vitex 'Montrose Purple' Seeds

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Available: Vitex 'Montrose Purple' Seeds

Either SASE or a trade is fine.

Link for info on it:


Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Hello Dawn,

I traded with you once before...will send D-mail. Would like Vitex seeds for SASE.


Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

Sending you a D-mail.


Pawleys Island, SC

I would love to trade or send a sasbe. Please let me know. Thanks

Spring, TX

Hi Dawn - If you still have any left I'd love to have some. Will send you a d-mail.


Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Sunshines2day - seeds being held for you
DEMinPA - seeds being held for you
ibartoo - D mail coming your way
springtx - Your seeds will go out tomorrow


Still have plenty left (9 trades/SASE).

Apparently I have a calibrated hand because all the packs weigh .2oz. Pretty good. I just piled what looked like a decent amount of seeds into my palm and then slid the seeds into the coin envelope.

If you want more than one pack just let me know.


Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow! Your communication is fantastic....have you ever considered running a Co-op?


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Hey how do you germinate them. I have no luck with the seeds on mine. I tried soaking them etc. Nicking? How long do they take. I have the regular purple ones. I need to look yours up.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

I have no idea...just going to follow sugestions and hope for the best.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I would like some of those seeds, mine are much smaller blooms so after reading the article I assume mine is the older variety not the imporoved ones. Mine never gets big either and usually only bloomed one time or two times. I never pruned it though and I have those hard seeds all over it. I can't get them to germinate though.

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Sunshines2day - "have you ever considered running a Co-op?" - LOL!
No, thanks for the compliment but I just saw one person posting this way and it seemed so up front and clear that I thought I'd give it a try.

Germination - Sorry, I have no idea. Everything that I checked said they could be propagated. I definitely didn't want to pass out sterile seeds (horrors). I have started new ones from the cuttings but haven't actually tried to start from seed. No need. The cuttings were the result of giving the Vitex a little nip and tuck now and then and I just plunked them in soil to see what happened.

I have had my one Vitex for probably 3 years now and it is wonderful. I turned my back on butterfly bushes after seeing it bloom the first year. Awesome. Can't wait to take a photo of it in bloom this year. It has really filled out. I opened it up alot this time when pruning so the blooms would pop out more. And it seems like they need air flow like my myrtles need. Oh, and the aroma of the foliage. I really like it. I've been meaning to make some sachets from them.


Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

There are a number of propagation methods for vitex.

Semi-hardwood cuttings, treated with plant growth hormones and planted into a sterile medium are one way to ensure true copies of the parent plant. (Growing plants from cuttings is essentially cloning, so any new plant will be an exact genetic replica of the parent).

Seeds can be sown outdoors in the fall or after last frost in the spring.

Layering is another method of growing more plants and this is essentially cloning as well.

Read more at Suite101: Vitex – A Lilac Alternative: Also Called Texas Lilac or Chaste Tree

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Also found a site that said the seeds may not be true to the parent bush. Also, like the crepe myrtle.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh thanks. I guess I could do that with my plants but I am cutting them to the ground as it said to do. I did not do that but they still bloomed. They are not getting big though. I would like to get some cuttings if you have some.

I should look for other colors besides purple. I never see them in a nursery.

You must be hearing about the puppy that survived Ethanasia twice all the time in your neck of the woods. I saw the story on Fox news here but have to google to see updates now. I hear there are a lot of potential adopters. Thank The Lord. Sorry off topic, did not mean to high jack thread.

Searcy, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow, these are really beautiful. I would love to get some seeds if you still have any. Would be great to attract more butterflies to the garden.


Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

i received your seeds in the mail today. Thanks for being so generous.

Six or seven years ago I was in a swap and received some chaste tree or vitex seeds. I winter sowed them and germinated three bushes. I'm in zone 5 some sources say zone six. Each year they die back to the ground but they always sprout again. I trim all the dead branches each March. They bloom on new growth.

I have two pink and one light purple.


Thumbnail by DEMinPA
Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Funny how they can grow in all these zones and thrive in the desert. I would like some seeds of your variety.

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

hellnzn11 - I've already pruned my vitex back rather severely. I could put you in the spring trade for next year for cuttings. Let me know if you want me to do that. I'll send you my address via d-mail for the seeds.

LewBugCreations - I'll send you my address via d-mail

I have a pack each reserved for you two. There are 4 packs left unclaimed for SASE/trades. If you want more than one pack just let me know.


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Would love a cutting for next spring. I will send the SASE. What are you looking for as far as seeds go? I could surprise you or see if I have it? What you want Willis?

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

hellnzn11 - Any type of seed that you feel may do well in zone 7a (hot, sunny, dry) would be fine.


Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

That is me, hot dry sunny. I am 8b, so the only differnce is cold temps maybe. We get down in the 20's but we got down in the teens this year. You have more rain than we do.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Dawn,
If you have any more of these vitex seeds available, I'd love some. Sending you d-mail.


This message was edited Mar 13, 2011 11:56 AM

Jasper, TX

I would love some of your vitex seeds if you still have some.

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

I have packets reserved for ibartoo, corrigandee, hellnzn11.

nbgard - Last packet reserved for you. D-mail coming your way with my address.

jggardner - If someone doesn't claim a packet I'll contact you.

Thanks everyone!


***Thread closed.***

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Got your seeds today. Sorry I did not send yours out. My back went out and I have been in agony. It went out leaning over the seedlings in the morning and it is making me sick. It is easing up 3 days later so I will sit and play in my box for you, I have the seeds on my counter so I have the address right there. Thanks so very much.


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