Living in USA

Houston, TX

Just reactivated my account. I finally move back to USA after living in Japan for 20 years. Recently some members had been emailing me about obtaining morning glory seeds from me. I finally found the boxes that the seeds were stored in and will make them available ASAP. I'm entering a new chapter in my life therefore all the negative stuff is behind me. I'm not a hater but a motivator and still have all the seeds available in Japan and those I've obtain from Kyushu. Still have a few rare ones that's not available outside of Japan. Glad to be back home.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

I meant to say rare ones that not available outside of Japan.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

WELCOME BACK to Dave's and the USA

ps love the mg

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 2:47 PM

Houston, TX

Hi imzadi, I remember you and thanks. Glad to be back home. Will you be growing MG this season?

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi Dee, Welcome back! I'm glad you haven't held all the negativity against us, and things have certainly changed here. Will you be making the seeds available through the DG marketplace or? Let us know. I'm glad others did dmail you, this will help all of us. You did get some good varieties before and I got some rare ones from you too. Are you also growing some this coming year?


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i am gonna try . I f you do make them available let me know too.

Hi Antoinette

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 5:06 PM

Houston, TX

Hi Gourd, yes i'll be growing this season. My new job keeps me busy and I'm also studying online at CTU. Man I missed a lot while living in Japan and been playing catch up since returning to the states. I'll let you guys know soon where to get my seeds. No big deal there. You know when I was in Japan you guys helped me out trading for seasoning, dry food, candies for the kids, ect... remember that? That was cool. I just got off from work. Will be online tonight.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

I remember sending candy and seasonings. Time flys. Tell you how long last we talked my daughter was still in high school. she is about to finish her first year at college.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Welcome back, Dee! We are still using the Japanese newspaper you sent me for my class here in Florida. :-) I, also, got some neat MG vines from some of the seeds you sent me a few years ago! Thanks again for sharing those! :-) Glad to hear that you will be growing some this year. Do you still have connections in Japan to get JMG seeds? I remember you grew a LOT of vines several years ago!

Houston, TX

Hey guys, I been online studying and just finished my third assignment. Hope I get another A and that will be 3 for 3. beckygardener wow! you still using that Japanese newpaper. That's awesome and I do remember sending it. Lots of good memories here. Yes I still have family and friends in Japan. My oldest daughter is here with me and going to college. She loves it here.

I have a lot of seeds that I'll share with you guys but hope to sell some too. Got to pay bills you know. I did try and let some people sell for me but that did not work out therefore I'll be doing all the morning glory stuff myself. No one else just me. At 55 I'm still having fun. God has been good to me and I hope to share some good fortune with you guys. true that.

Hey yall I missed a lot. I moved to Japan in 1986 and moved back to USA in 2009. Still trying to catch up. OMG, my english is bad LOL :) Glad to hear from yall.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Good to see you back Dee.


Houston, TX

Hey patootie, Jackie.... glad to be part of this forum again. What morning glory will you be growing this year?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dee - What classes are you taking?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Dee, I'm not sure yet. I have tons that I could start, lol. Every yr I get further and further behind on all the beautiful choices that I have. :-)
Dee thats thanks to all the generous traders we have on this forum.

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 11:39 PM

Houston, TX

I'm studying to get my Bachelor Of Science in Information Technology with focus on network management at Colorado Technical University. It's cool too. Hey I applied and got me grant.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Very cool, Dee! Congrats on the grant to take college courses!

I agree with Jackie ... so many generous traders here! We've gotten some really wonderful seeds/vines with some amazing blooms over the past couple of years! This year promises to be another terrific year for gardening and growing JMGs! So many JMG seed choices, so little time and space! LOL!

I'm off to bed ... later gators!

Houston, TX

me to, I'm off to bed. Thanks for warm welcome guys.

Mesilla Park, NM

You are never too old to go back to school... good for you! My son is also in the AF and is about to get his degree too, then go for his Masters... hopefully he will have started on it before he gets out. Are those photos of your family? Very nice too, were they dresses for a play or is that normal dress? It was probably a great experience for you to live there for so long.

I'll look forward to hearing from you regarding seeds/trades/purchase. Seems like the festival mixes yielded quite a few rare ones too.


Houston, TX

Hey Gourd, lol, no that's not my family ha,ha,ha,ha. Those pics are from a festival and they had just finished performing. I'll miss all the culture stuff but the memories will always be there. I'm glad to be here back home... My family and friends really missed me :)

I'm at lunch now eating an old fashion US made hamburger :) It took me a year but I landed me a job working for the State of Texas as a network analyst. I support the food stamps and medicaid program systems.

Cool, I still should have plenty of the festival seed mixes. You know they gave away a lot of free MG samples and I always got my share. Thanks and I will be sharing with you and the group that I remember trading with. Also looking to make new friends here. Oh and thank yall for the d-mails.

domo arigato,


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Yea good for you about going back to school.

I too was wondering about the pic. Was wondering if you were in there somewhere. hehe

Enjoy that hamburger. nothing like home food. hehehe

Houston, TX

I'll post a current picture in my profile tonight.... Had to go back to school because my skills were old school. lol. imzadi what's the weather like where you are?


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

IT is 75 today. We are finally staying over the 50s during the day. Its like 45-50 at night.

We have had snow 3 times this season the last was a few weeks ago. I know from living here until April 15th anything can happen but hoping it stays this way. I want sun.

Sometimes old school isn't a bad thing. I am in the job market and have been told I am over qualified. A few friends have been told the same. How can you be over qualified for something. A friend told the person she demanded the interview just because she is over qualified doesn't mean she wouldn't work for the pay.

Glad you have a job on coming back. Ok off to get my college student. Marie

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Welcome back to the US and glad you brought some JMG seeds with you too. Your English seems perfectly fine to me but how cool for your kids to be able to speak multi language.

Dee, I have a BS in Computer Info Sys but I'm from the old school - midrange system. I don't know html and networking stuff. As long as IBM is in business, I can still get a programming job. Who writes RPG anymore.

This message was edited Feb 25, 2011 3:20 PM

Houston, TX

Hey LiliMerci, you know what was funny is when I was interviewed by those people, they were all younger than me and did not understand what it was I did when I worked for IBM and Sprint... But I didn't give up. Oh yeah when I first started my job search I'd walked in some office like we did back in the day to see the manager and was told you must go online and apply.... Therefore I had to change my approach. lol :( Man I appplied for over 50 positions on monster, career builder, work force solutions and a friend told me the state was hiring so I went to their web site and got a call two week later. :) I didn't know the economy was so bad when I returned.

Will you be growing a lot this season? If you need seeds let me know.
an hour an 1/2 and I'm off for the weekend...


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dee - That is very nice that you are offering seeds to folks. Thanks! :-)

The economy is the worst I've ever seen it here in Florida. It's really bad here in Florida! And we see no end in sight. You are lucky to have found a job!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Last time I looked for a job, we found it through networking and recruiters. I've gotten most of my jobs through people I know. Now many IT jobs are being contracted out to India. The govt doesn't pay as well but they have excellent benefits and job security. Everyone is hurting in this economy. My husband works for the fedefal govt and he won't be getting a pay increase for the next 2 years. I feel very fortunate that he has a job. My son is going to college in a few years and I'm not sure where to guide him to assure that he can get a job after he spent all that money on a college education.

Dee, I am excited to see/hear about your seeds collection. I was just sharing with Becky about what seeds I should grow out this year. Something good that produces alot of seeds so I can share. Everyone on this forum have been so nice to share. I've learned alot here and I'm glad for the opportunity to grow so many beautiful MG's. The cooler looking the better. And I love the Japanese MGs. The bigger the flowers, the better they are.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Its is Bad here in the states right now. My daughter is in college and she is going into engineering. That is one of the stable jobs here to go into. Nurses is another but the rest seem so unstable. I am trying to find a job. the people through the temp service say for every job you apply for 12 other people are fighting you for it. I don't know whats going to happen to the economy. truth be told I'm scared.

The only thing to de stress I have at the moment is my garden. and its not doing so well at the moment.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

imzadi - what kind of engineering? I can't do blood or needles.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - Here there are 30-50 people applying for any jobs. Florida has been hard hit and things are showing no signs of recovery here. The medical field is where a lot of folks are turning, but here there are lay-offs in that profession. I don't know what jobs are safe here. Politics probably! :-/

Houston, TX

Hey have yall notice the price of gas and food going up? I'm thinking about growing some veggies this year too. I like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, greens and a few others. The only problem is I don't have the growing space available like I did in Japan. But I have family that does so I'll have to work something out with them. The good thing about being here at Dave's is the tons of information available. I did grow my own tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and cucumbers in Japan so I do have some knowledge growing those plays. Houston weather is almost the same except for the humidity. Should be fun adventure anyway :)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Growing your own veges is the smart thing to do Dee. I worry about a food shortage.
Someone told us Brian williams said that he was also worried about a shortage of food on his nightly news show.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mechanical engineering then she want to follow up with computer engineering.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

There may far worse to come, buckle up for a hard ride as the world situation worsens! Grow yer own is a great idea
but it's about to become far worse as the situation in the middle east develops. A shortage of oil does not just mean no gas for your car, the very life blood of transportation that brings our everyday food to us will be very seriously affected, plastic for food packaging, oil to generate power for refrigeration, demand for food from China, where will it all come from? I believe we are about to experience one of the worlds worst crises in the very near future.
God I hope I'm wrong!

Houston, TX

Dollar general has 3 pack of seeds for $1. vegetables and flowers. Just finished with class attending a live chat. We have two of those a week which is cool. We listen to the instructor and interact in a live online setting. Just like school except you're doing it online. Tonight I'll start on my power point assignment which is due next sunday. Power point is new to me.

I did sort thru some of my seeds earlier today and will mail out samples toward the end of march. Got to buy some padded envelopes and a few other items. Been reading a lot of the old threads you guts posted especially "beckygardener's" growing indoors thread which she started in 2009. Good stuff Becky. Also went back and read some of my own...

I'll be here off and on especiall while I'm at work since I have to use a computer. D-mail is a good way to contact me since it will go directly to my regular yahoo mail which I check regularly. Thanks guys


Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

Sorry I wrote "guts" but ment

Houston, TX

Pajonica I think you're right in your assessment "I believe we are about to experience one of the worlds worst crises in the very near future". I agree unless this situation gets under control soon and not play out.


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Very scary Jon. I'm afraid it will just get worse..
As I type Greenbrier Ar just had another earthquake, a 4.7 on the richter.
Thats 5 earthquakes in the past week

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

We get our fair share of quakes here too! The big one for Tokyo is due anytime, the last one was in 1923 and they occur around every 80 to 100 years. Scary!!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Dee sent you a long email. Since now you know what cubits is about.

I try to take it one day at a time. You never know whats gonna happen tomorrow.

someone once said: The past was guaranteed today is promised and tomorrow is yet unwritten. If you think about tomorrow and worry about tomorrow you lose the beauty of today.

I would worry myself to death if I thought about all the bad things in this world. Right now I am a basket case just trying to keep my home and get the help I need for Dh.

Its sad everyone is having troubles

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Jon, Lets hope that won't happen for a long time.
Greenbrier Arkansas might be very close to the New Madrid fault line that runs thru Arkansas. The 5 earthquakes were the larger ones. No telling how many minor quakes they've had.
Dee, I had stocked up last yr on those vege/flower sds at $ General. Hope my sds are
still viable. Great price as you mentioned.

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