What is the difference between alocasia and colocasia??

Virginia Beach, VA

I Have several varieties of alocasias and colocasias. I want to know the difference. Thanks. Belle

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Alocasia hold their leaves horizontally and prefer shade and well drained soil. The tips point more upwards too.

Colocasia leaves point downwards and they prefer sun and lots of water.

Virginia Beach, VA

I thank you. Belle

noonamah, Australia

There are some Alocasias that grow in very wet conditions. A brisbanensis is one. I found another one in Papua New Guinea growing in a small creek in the water, but never found out which it was. And a friend has a variegated one that she grows in water. But the majority of them will rot if too wet.

Virginia Beach, VA

So elephant eras is a general term? I left some of mt big leaf outside and they got mushy so I bought more on ebay.some are kind of disappointing. because it is barely an inch but promised to replace if they do not make it. I think it is my mistake to buy them to soon. Thanks for the info. Belle

noonamah, Australia

Yes, the term "elephant ears" covers many different plants. Alocasia, Colocasia and Xanthosoma often get called that. They don't like freezing and will lose their leaves. But the tubers need protecting, if those freeze that's the end of the plant.

Vieques, PR

You should go to the "Sticky" in the Aroids forum --Brian Williams provides a brilliantly explained technique for identifying all manner of such plants.

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