CLOSED: Looking for Currant or Sweet Pea Tomatoes

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I was wondering if anyone had the following tomatoes:
Red Currant
Sweet Pea
(any Currant size tomato really.)

My son saw these while he was going through my catalog and likes them but I have all my tomato and pepper seeds for this year.

I have Isis Candy Cherry (at least 10 seeds) and will go through your want list to see if I have anything else.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi tikipod, don't know if you're still looking, but I have Sweet Pea and Jolly Elf from Territorial left over from last year. I can send you a few seeds of each if you like. Send me a dmail if you're interested?

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