Just do it.........

Crozet, VA

As I was writing a dmail to another clutterer, I realized how my journey in to freedom and liberation has evolved over the months I have been a member of the Clean and Clutter Free forum. The journey has not reached the final destination but I feel as though I have crossed the hump and am on the down slide and easy part now.

Reviewing how it finally came about that I was able to finally take the physical steps to begin getting clutter out the front door, I realize that there have been many people on these boards who have played a very major part in any success I have achieved.

To anyone fairly new to the boards, I hung around here long before the first item of clutter went out the door. Dang, truth be known it really has taken me about ten years to get to a point where I am serious about reducing the amount of items I give space to in my home. I hear the terms OC, ADHD and other terms here. I suppose the mental health term that fits best with me is having an addictive personality. That means I operate on the premise of if one is good, ten is better. I do this with feel good substances, food, plants, shopping and any number of things that a less addictive personalitied person acts responsibly with.

I feel the need to thank certain members of this group who played a major part early on for me. I can recall two major players though each person who wrote over the past year has played a part in me finally being able to get out from under a heavy burden of too much stuff. I have learned from every one who has written a word on the topic of clutter and excess.

Early on I was much encouraged as I read about Juneybugs own de-cluttering process. She shared a running journal of her process of de-cluttering her home to make a move half way around the world with a weight limit of items she could take with her. I delighted along with her with each piece she reported as out of the door and safely in another location. She was my hero. Thank you Juney, you will always be remembered as someone who gave me the courage to begin.

None of what I am accomplished would have been possible without the guidance and support of Butterfly Chaser. I can remember the excuses I would bring to the group for why I couldn't get started, or why I couldn't do something. That doesn't flush with this gal. She came up with ideas for me to use that shot a hole in every excuse I found.

A major block to my getting started on de-cluttering was I held a belief that I needed a person with me in order to get anything done. My first session of de-cluttering did include a girl friend coming over and spending a few hours with me one day while I sorted things. This wonderful friend served in the same capacity as BC did. She allowed me no excuses for failure. My friend left this first day with a car load of things that either she was going to use or things she was going to take to Goodwill for me. She also returned a couple of times during that period to take even more items to donate for me. I owe her a thank you email too.

With the belief that I couldn't possibly do this alone, I made no progress. BC wrote me during that period and suggested that I get a chair and put in it the room that I was going to work on de-cluttering and write her name on it. She said I could envision her sitting there with me as I went through items and I could carry on a conversation with her if I felt that would help. That idea touched me. I felt again that someone cared about me and my clutter dilemma. See, I couldn't do this alone. I needed to know that others were concerned about my mental health in regards to how life draining and joy stealing living in clutter is. I was wrong that I need a live body in the room with me as I performed the de-cluttering process....but I did need to know that others care that I succeed where I had failed so many times before.

I am not at the end of my journey by any means. I have really only just begun. I have benefitted in many ways from the simple act of getting rid of items taking up precious space that could be used in other ways. My house is lighter feeling and more airy feeling. It is like it is thanking me for unweighting the burden it was under to store so many useless to me items.

I suppose the message I am trying to send by sharing this today is that for those who feel stuck and like you are spinning your wheels in place, there will come a time when something will just click for you and you will be off to the races. One of the fun things about coming to the threads is reading about other's progress is the excitement that is stirred within the group whenever someone shares an accomplishment.

A very special salute and thank you to each and everyone one who has made my new and lighter life possible. For those who haven't progressed as they had hoped, don't give up, keep reading and posting and hearing how others in the group solve a dilemma. I have learned so much from everyone here and owe everyone a great big thank you for playing such an important role in my recent successes.

To close for now, my hubby wants to add his two cents to the story......he says and quote "The first step is the hardest and then the way to success is keeping putting one foot in front the other."

And let's hear it for the girls......rah, rah, sis boom bah.......go team!!!!!!!! Love you gals. Enjoy your weekend everyone.


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