Repotting orchids, general advice?

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

So I got a number of new orchids, but now I need to know if I can re-pot at least one of my new babies while they're in flower? I heard you're not really supposed to do that.

I suppose I can be patient with the ones I got from First Orchid. They look neat and happy in their pots. I'll just pop 'em in some baskets to hide the plastic pots, and hopefully have to wait forever for the blooms to pass. But the one I got from Krell Smith is escaping from its pot. It's probably got more roots OUTSIDE it's pot than in it - and it won't stay upright. It's weird that I spent a lot more on the one that needs a little attention - but it has pretty pale green flowers and was the only one I saw like that, so I hadda have it. Here's a pic of the jailbreaker roots...

Thumbnail by Plants4myPots
Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

... and here are the pretty green flowers. Sorry for the blurry pic - it's early and I'm excited! Off to hunt baskets!

Thumbnail by Plants4myPots
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Pretty Dendrobium. Wait until it is done blooming to repot. Water the pot the way you would a potted orchid but spray the outside roots more frequently, even daily. Don't worry; this orchid's roots don't necessarily need to be contained. When you repot don't center the plant, rather place the roots currently hanging off the edge to the middle and the rest of the plant near, but not against, the back of the pot. The hanging roots belong to the newest growth and where most of the growth action will happen. Don't cut off old canes, no matter how shriveled and leafless, unless they are dead brown. They can produce both flowers and keikis years later.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Laurel!

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