Autumn clematis Seeds

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a very healthy vine, it produces a multitude of seeds, but I was wondering, Just how viable are the seeds???

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I am not really into clematis but do have a 'Sweet Autumn'. I placed double seeds in 15 of the seed starter mesh modules for about 3 weeks and none sprouted so they were dumped. I sent several seeds to a person in Florida so there may be some feedback later. Aside from that experience, I know nothing of growing them from seeds.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I had many seedlings sprout in the garden without trying.And I don't have great soil, just amended for the planted plants. I ended up transplanting the main SAC to a shadier corner to try and control it a little better. It might need more time to sprout in a pot but I don't really know.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

SAC seeds are prolific in warmer climate. Also, by my experience, they're not picky at all, ground versus container grow are just fine by them. Stray seedlings are found everywhere here.

Athens, PA

Seedlings are found here too. My guess, because you are only half a zone colder than I am, that they are viable in your area as well.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I am going to give them a try, P.S. any one want some????????????

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful blooms, smells good too.. Also very invasive here..


Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Larkie, here winter does a number on the "Invasive" freezes they right down to the ground, but the plact makes up for it , grows and coveres the trellis each year

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

SAC sounds like a good candidate to be grown in large containers (up North), then with wheels attached those containers can be kept dormant during the winter months in garage and returned to the outdoor when spring arrive?

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

That Vine is very invasive here. I cant get rid of mine. It puts out seedlings everywhere and takes over the tress that is next to. ( not planted my be, but previous owner)

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, they're something else. Very hard to rid off on zone 6 and higher? I just chopped down a dozen sidlings.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just keep pulling it down each year. and try to pull it out of the ground. It is not as bad as it was but it is still there. I have to say it does smell good, but oh

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

If you're interested, here is my experience with the tenacious SAC and the problem that accompanied the sweet smelling beautiful flowers.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

There is one good thing about living in zone 5A, winter usually kills the plant back to the main stem. In the spring i cut the plant back to the main stem and start over agian, Mine covers the east side of my screened deck, gives us shade for the summer and a place for the birds. We call it the Cat video game,(they can look but not touch) Hey! I have found a good use for winter!!!

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