MG from South Africa

Pretoria, South Africa

This past summer has been the worst MG season in all the years I've been growing them. Not even the purpureas wanted to grow properly. I usually have to take them out because they tend to strangle my other plants, but this year the plants are small and not flowering much. I was greeted by a few flowers this morning. The avarage height of the plants is about 7"....

Here are the photo's

Thumbnail by Elsa123
Pretoria, South Africa

Thumbnail by Elsa123
Pretoria, South Africa


Thumbnail by Elsa123
Pretoria, South Africa


Thumbnail by Elsa123
Pretoria, South Africa


Thumbnail by Elsa123
Gautier, MS

Gorgeous blooms Elsa!! I enjoy seeing those blooms very Much.

Pretoria, South Africa

Thanks, Helenah.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Elsa - Your blooms are very pretty! Have you been fertilizing them regularly? Despite the short size, they are still producing some lovely flowers!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

very pretty indeed.

Pretoria, South Africa

Thanks, I have given them some fertilizer, as well as being grown in compost rich soil. I think the main problem for them this past season was the lots of rain we had followed by extremely hot days. If I had to choose, I'd rather have only a few flowers and all the lovely rain we have had this past season, than lots of flowers and less rain... I somehow thought that they would grow their socks off like the other plants in my garden though.
Shows you, you never know what to expect.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Elsa - Did you grow them in the ground or in pots? Mine grow much better in pots and that's how I grow them all currently. :-)

Pretoria, South Africa

Becky, they were grown directly in the ground. I think I will try the pot method next year.

Mesilla Park, NM

Elsa, they look really good, you did a great job. I was waiting for the fruits to ripen on the barrel cactus this year and the darned frost got them, this is the first time in 30 some years it gets this cold here, we lost a ton of cactus. The fruits froze, but I'll check tomorrow and see if the seeds had a chance to mature. I know a place that has some big barrel cactus that I'll be going to hit for seeds this Spring. I know I promised you some and I'll get them from there if mine didn't make it. The fruits looked big and yellow, but I'm hoping the seeds did not freeze.

It got down to 9 degrees and even the 6 foot Agaves we had up front froze. All over the City too. I hope this doesn't happen again in my life time anyway..


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Really nice blooms Elsa.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

They are all beautiful, Elsa!

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