Gardenia Jasminoides 'Fortuniana' - the Ugly Duckling

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This has to be the ugliest plant I have in the entire place. In fact I have two of these. For some reason they lost their leaves, they all turned yellow and after I moved them to a more sunny location they started pushing buds. Now there are buds, this one bloom and almost no leaves on the plant. The fragrance is beautiful as always but Oh My God, the plant is a disgrace. Just had to share this with you. I wonder if this is what they beauty being only skin deep? Normally this is a beautiful plant and the blooms are so fragrant. JB

Thumbnail by JBerger
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh JB - nothing wrong with the beauty of THAT purdy bloom!! You have the bestest touch with Gardenias! Me? I'll stick with my cold hardy ones...least they live for me...sheesh!!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This crazy plant had three beautiful blooms on it within the past few days. I have started to give it more water than usual and it seems to love it. Being next to the base heat it drinks a good bit more than normal. Some new leaves are pushing out now. We will see. Good to see you again Chantell. JB

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