Happy Valentine's Day Everyone Everywhere

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! Hope your time with your loved ones is a happy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is supposed to be in the seventies here all week. Maybe now we can defrost. I can uncover my poor plants on the patio and water them.

Hope everyone is doing well.......We are! Let us hear from you!


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happy Valentine's Day!! Worked all day in the flower shop at work today. Was supposed to be my day off but they called me in and we were pretty swamped. It was fun though!! Got to go home with some tulips, hyanciths and daffodils really cheap. lol. He was gonna toss them til I yelled at him and told him no. LOL

Temps have gone up here too. This week we could see 70 one day but mostly gonna be in the 60s. Snow is melting like crazy and everyone is out and about. In a few weeks I will be ordering some more tropical hibiscus and I just bought a new orchid yesterday. The orchid is Milt. Up Country Puna 'Keaau Star'. Very fragrant with big blooms. I love it and we haven't killed it yet. LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Happy Valentines!
Glad to hear you guys are thawing out - you have had it rough this winter.
How nice to work in a flower shop and be able to bring home all the extras - what a great job!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So great to hear from both of you! Pepper, that sounds like a great job!

Jen, hope you are doing well as well!

We're OK. More later!


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