What salvia is this?

Orgiva, Granada, Spain

Should it be this floppy?

Thumbnail by biscombe
Orgiva, Granada, Spain

Here's another pic

Thumbnail by biscombe
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

It looks to be Mexican bush sage aka Salvia leucantha - WONDERFUL plant!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree w/ salvia leucantha. Love the fuzzy lavender flowers, blooms late fall.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Mexican Bush make a lovely dry arrangement! Great butterfly & bee plant!

Portland, TX(Zone 9b)

Hmmm....mine just started blooming about a week ago. It is growing like crazy. I had it in a pot during the winter, but recently planted in the ground and it is doing great.


Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, mine doesn't start until mid-Sept.
Of course, it's not hardy here, so I put out new plants every spring.
But not even a glimmer of budding 'til fall.

Orgiva, Granada, Spain

Are yours floppy plants too? Mine still looks a tad messy!

Portland, TX(Zone 9b)

Mine is pretty still fairly small, but has 3 blooms on it, and doesn't seem to be floppy - all 3 sections are growing straight up. I am wondering if it will get that way when it is larger. I received mine in a trade in the fall, and this is my first experience with it, but I like what I see!

Good luck with yours, maybe if it continues that way you could cut it back a little.


Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Hard to say, Biscombe... I have so little sun in my yard, any sun-lover has to crane his neck to catch a few rays. I never have lush bushy sun plants. My salvias line the driveway and get afternoon sun only. They are definitely leaning. But they grow vigorously in a single season as an annual, and you can't beat the vibrant purple blooms so late in the fall!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I have it in a couple places in my yard and love it. One area it stands tall another it is a bit floppy. I see that you have it at the base of a tree. It will take full or partial sun maybe it is leaning toward light...or in my case squirrels and dogs run in that area! LOL!

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