CLOSED: Birthday Club New Year 2011 #3

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So you're the lucky recipient of Char's ladybug rock....and a myriad of other pressies too!

I found the water marbles when we were on vacation last June and gotta admit I kept a pack for myself. They're so pretty on their own and want to add a Bamboo shoot or two in mine.

You're a good cook, Faye. Check out the kitchen wares while you're on Amazon.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

One item that I love that I ordered from Amazon is the MISTO .... I have two ... one is use for spraying pans and salads with olive oil .... 2nd one is used in the summer to hold a mixture (half & half Avon's Skin So Soft and water) .... terrific mosquito repellant.

Chris, I was so tempted to try out that minature water fountian ... wanted to give you something that brings the outdoors ... indoors.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Chris ...... the tracker told me that your box from me went out to be delivered today too. Did you not get it?

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Crit, it's probably one of the 2 parcels waiting for me to pick up tomorrow. Sorry, I meant to mention that I had a notice in my mailbox..I'll let you know for sure tomorrow after I go to the post office. I'm having a new couch, coffee table and 2 end tables delivered first thing in the morning and then I'll head over to the PO.

Yep, I'm having a grand time with my birthday.. I was showing my DS some of the things I have received and he said he should join too LOL.. he is NOT a gardener!

Fruity, it's so funny that I was just looking at water beads at the Home and Garden show a couple of weekends ago but didn't buy any. I think they look terrific in Neener's vase and the colors match so well!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I love the ladybug rock!!! That is really creative.

The water beads are what I need to put in the Valentines vase that my DH got for me. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get the rest of the kisses out of it and dump the water out of the center, without mixing the two!!! What a dilemma.

So glad it is Saturday! Even though I only worked 3 days this week, I'm bushed!!!! I think the CFS has kicked in, I know the fibromyalgia has.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Meant to add this pic of the vase.

Thumbnail by Crit
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris you will probably recoil in horror if I tell you the provenance of that vase, but I am going to anyway. :)) A few weeks ago I was taking my weekly load to the landfill. They have these big dumpsters for houshold trash. Well because it was Monday they hadn't dumped them from the weekend and they were pretty full. On the very top was this big wicker basket that looked positively pristine. I have no idea why anyone would throw it out. Anyway it was full to the brim with those vases which were clean and brand new. Who knows. Needless to say I couldn't resist and brought them all home. Wasn't planning to send them to anyone, but I remembered using one of them to make a vase similar to yours for my Mom. Since I wasn't getting any other inspiration, VOILA! Sorry about that. :))

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sometimes 'dumpster diving' can be quite profitable!!!!!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Heck yea! And I'm big in recycling, so I'm glad you found it :)

In OKC, they have Trash Week..anything and everything gets put out on the curb to be hauled away.. you'll see pickup trucks going slowly down the street, checking out what's been thrown away. I remember Glen.. (I'm not joking here!!) one summer brought home 4 FOUR! truck loads of building supplies that were being thrown away. He was like a kid in the candy store with it :)

So guaranteed, I have no problem with the idea of this vase being rescued!

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

"dumpster diving"....oh how I miss the transfer station! That's where everything at our last base went before going to the landfill. Being military, people are constantly moving and we have a certain weight of household goods that we can move (without out-of-pocket expense). You'd be amazed at what people will throw out! I've found lawn mowers, grills, dressers, executive desk (beautiful!), tables, livingroom name it. Some things I took home and some things I just couldn't see letting go to waste, so I'd take those to the Airman's Attic (a 2nd hand shop on base). There's not much that some clorox or lysol won't disinfect. I miss my "dumpster diving" days! I should have started a "trash to treasure" blog a looooonnnng time ago!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

OH!!!.. Crit... I'm laughing my butt off here!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I don't have pics yet, so I'll save my explanation for later.. Her box is great.. her cards were HILARIOUS! Patti, I thought "oh no" when I read the first one.. and thought "GREEN??" Where did she get that idea?? LOL!!!!! You done good, Girl!

I also received a box from Darla, who is my windchime buddy.. I'm in windchime heaven :)

Be back this afternoon to show it all off!

This message was edited Feb 26, 2011 11:02 AM


what a wonderful surprise in my mail box today !!!!!! thank you so much for everything !!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, I have the pic now, so let me tell you about the first card in the box..Patti wrote a poem and among the nice things she said- that my kitchen is Green (it isn't!) and that I adore the Apple theme in the kitchen (I don't!) So, I'm unwrapping each present, waiting to see the apples in my box. Well, what I received was a hand painted rock, which is fantastic! A pair of cowhide gardening gloves, which I needed, a set of gardening tools (Thank you! I was just thinking that I needed to go buy some!) a "rose" with a little bear, which made me smile cause Glen always bought me those-brought back some sweet memories. And then.. the kitchen stuff.. nope, not apples--- SUNFLOWERS which is what I love in the kitchen! There is a spoon rest and 3 bowls..
At the very bottom of the box was another card.. which said-- "HA, HA, HA, HA- so now you can see, how ornery I can be. Kitchen is yellow and red and apples you dread."

Stinker! I got a good laugh out of that box ^_^ thank you for all of it.. even my yellow "apples" Lol!!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

And I also received a nice card from Maggie with a gift card from Amazon.. Thank you so much! I'm another one who's never shopped Amazon, so I can't wait to go see what I can find to buy :)

Love that retail therapy!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Very clever Patti!!! Nice goodies there Chris

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

tee hee

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You lucky girl. If you can't use those sunflower dishes you have my address. Just kidding, ya know, and enjoy all your gifts. Gotta say nothing says Summer like Sunflowers and I carried them in my wedding bouquet. You've got to be kidding you've another one whose never shopped on Amazon? Just wait til you see what's available, it opens a whole new world.

Nice job, Patti, and love the red rock you painted. And here I thought I was the only one with a warped sense of humor. It's good to know I'm not alone and am in good company.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Fruity .... ^5 No, you aren't alone. And I know my friends here can take my sad little jokes. ^_^

Hi, I'm Patti ...... and I've only shopped at Amazon 1 time, years ago. Even though my daughter worked at the shipping facility in Coffeyville for 3 years. LOL

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all!
Just spent some time reading through the thread. I feel like I missed so much! Haven't had as much time to just sit and read the forums lately. Hoping to get back to participating more regularly soon!
Chris, I haven't forgotten... hope to get your card in the mail tomorrow, but I'll post to let you know for sure. looks like your birthday celebration will be extended a bit :)

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Lacking one thing for Maggies present then its in the wind tomorrow! =)


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Chris!!!

We all hope it is a fun day (even though it is a Monday) and that you get lots more pressies in the mail today.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Chris! Have a great day!!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Ditto .... Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday Chris!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and wish we were all there to have cake and icecream with you!!

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And from Goober !!

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Last but not least Ralph and Gryphon!!

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Humm that did not work!! Lets try again,, leave it to the guys her to mess it

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Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll started the party early.

Happy Birthday, Chris! May all your blooms come true :)

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday Chris so many nice gifts and to a very deserving lady. You will love shopping @ Amazon using your gift from Maggie.
I just finished my birthday shopping with the gift card Maggie sent me and a great big thank you to Maggie! My gift from you let me get
Annin tough Tex Woven American Flag Flags and Wind chimes are on my favorite things list and now I'm doing the happy dance. The wind here this Winter has ruined our flag, now I will have a new one for the Spring. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hello & hugs to all

Blackshear, GA

Happy Birthday Chris, you should get my box today, but should have gotten it Saturday.
Have a great day!


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you everyone!! It's been a great day so far.. but no cake and ice cream here, sorry :)

My son took me out to lunch and then told me that he had a surprise that he's been working on and he wanted me to go with him. (For my FB friends---PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK ABOUT THIS!!!) Well, we went to a jewelry store, where we picked up an engagement ring for his girlfriend Ashley! WOOHOO.. I'm beyond thrilled about this!! Ashley has no idea that he's had this ring made for her. It's just beautiful! The two of them and my grandson are going to Mexico in two weeks on vacation and he's going to propose to her there :) I was the first one to find out about this..I'm ecstatic, cause I love that girl to death!

AND.. I met a very nice man about a month ago, who I care about alot and we decided over the weekend to make it an exclusive relationship. His name is Chip and he's just the nicest guy ever. So, we'll see where it leads us :)

Thanks again for the birthday wishes! And Elfie, thank Ralph, Goober and Gryphon for me :)
Paula, I had a notice in my box that I have a package..can't pick it up till tomorrow, but I'm guessing that might be yours..
Michelle, I don't think there's a single one of us who minds an extended birthday -- right, Ladies?? ^_^

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy day to you Chris!

Sounds like your son made your birthday one to remember for you. I'm glad you like the girl and that you have a nice guy waiting for you in the wings as well.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

Maggie thnaks so much, i do not get to shop much so i will now thanks.. blessings.. i will mail yours in few days .

today is bad day for me--month today that my mother passed.

everyone be well, safe much happiness.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Hang in there Twyla. It gets better. A little. Just takes some time. Thinking of you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

{{{Hugs, Twyla}}} It took me the better part of two years after I lost my Mom before I could even talk about her without tearing up. We all heal at different speeds and you will get there, Hon. Been thinking about you a lot too.

Sounds like "Love Is In The Air" in more ways than one, Chris :) Anybody else remember that old song? What a great B-Day present from your son and for your whole family. What a romantic too. You raised a good one.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all!
Hard to believe that tomorrow will already be the first day of March! But then, that's good 'cause spring is that much closer! :)
Chris, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! from me and your "twin" in Oregon :)
Looks like my cards to you and your "twin" are both going in the mail tomorrow. My husband was helping someone move some furniture yesterday afternoon/evening and didn't get home til very late, and I had to head out early this morning, so we haven't had a chance to address the envelopes. Should be able to this evening... :)
Glad to hear your birthday's been a good one!
Twyla, I'll keep you in my prayers.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

If any of you ever shop at Harbor Freight, here is a coupon for you

Good until 4/14/11


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy March, everyone. Can you believe we're already through two months of the year already?

It's your month, Miss Maggie - start celebrating!

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Ahhhh darn it! I posted yesterday, "Happy Birthday, Chris!" and it's not on here. Now...I hope it was wonderful, lady!

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