CLOSED: Birthday Club New Year 2011 #3

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh Shucks Maggie don't do that...I love having you around. You are bright and cheerful and funny and you have cute kids. :)) I'm not going to take you off for a few days. Give yourself time to think about it a little more. PLEASE.....

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I have a request ... can we all pray for dear Maggie to reconsider and stay with us?

A few months back I stopped participating and following a particular thread because of a verbal attack .... I only followed it until the guily parties bragged about what they said and tried to justify it with lies .... I made only one more post there .... posted the link to one of my 1st posts on that thread which indicated how they were twisting the truth ... their response was they did not want to discuss it .... I decided they were not worthy of my company ... and I prayed for them and theirs.

I think if one even suspects they hurt someone's feelings they should apologize ... at least privately.

It was beautiful here today ... temps in high 60s ... but overnight it is going to drop 25 degrees ... forecast for tomorrow is windy with high in low 40s .... I did do another 30+ winter sown containers today .... prepping the containers takes the most time.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the NJ Flower & Garden Show in Edison NJ, with a new friend I met through DG.


Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

I'd like to make it clear that no one said anything to or about ME. I just feel 'in the middle' of a situation.
You all are so sweet and I may eventually come back, but I'm taking a break for now.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Mary, please take a couple of pics.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Folks I am not going to remove Maggie's name from the list. It is so close to her birthday and she has been sending to others. So follow your heart and if you wish to send to her please do so. If you can't it is OK. I've made an executive decision and that is what you all pay me the big bucks for. :))

GOOD FOR YOU NEENER!!. Maggie is a wonderful person!!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

yes so right..

Chris you should got pk. back few days?? did you I sure hope so..

everyone be well safe// happiness...

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

i shall try be on time.. have great day your a real sweetie..

i am so glad you are not taking her name off !!!!!!!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Sorry I've been MIA here the last couple of days..I've been blessed with company of my 14yo DGD and 13yo DGS and so haven't gotten much computer time..

I have received packages from Twyla, Faye and Fruity.. I'll be back on later tonight and put up the pics.. needless to say, I love it all. You ladies sure know how to spoil a person :)

Maggie..I'm hoping that you won't stay gone long.. you're going to be missed! And I'm glad Neener is keeping her on here.. it's only fair :)

Kids are getting restless.. a trip to the mall is in order.. thanks again, my friends!!

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

I have 4 envelopes ready to go out on Tuesday (missed the mailman today). I'm awful late on some, but they're coming. I "HAD" something ordered for Twyla a while ago, but about 2 weeks later, found an email that it was permanently out of stock. Go figure. Anyway, ladies, I have envelopes for Twyla, Faye, Joy, and Chris. Thank you for all of your prayers and sweet words. I'm sure I'll be back at some point. Yall are too fun to not hang out here!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

Maggie,we want you here with us... blessings..

Chris, glad it arrived hope like it all.. Its so nice toget presents and be spoiled..

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Mary - you and all your wsing containers - lol. Lady, you are going to be the busiest person this spring planting everything you've wintersown. How many do you have going altogether?

Oakland, MD


Chris- I had your package ready to mail and a lot has happened this week. My kids and I had to move out of my home to some where safe. I have your package it is in the Uhal somewhere. I will get it out to you as soon as I can.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I enjoyed the NJ Flower and Garden Show .... the inside lighting was not the greatest and most of the pictures I took did not come out too well.

Di ... I am planning on having lots of plants to share with family, neighbors, friends and a few schools. The count of winter sown containers as of yesterday is over 130!

I'm a wee bit concern regarding the package I mailed on Friday to Chris ..... when I check the delivery confirmation # it only has that it was accepted at my post office at 9:28 am on Friday, Feb 18th.

I mailed a box to Maggie at the same time .... checking her delivery confirmation number has it not only accepted at my post office (Morrisville, PA) but also later at the Philadelphia postal center. grrrrr


Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Jennifer, I don't like the sound of your situation, but I'm glad you and your babies are safe. You're in my thoughts & prayers.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Jennifer, you and your children are at the top of my prayer list.

Sending this your way

Please keep in touch .... I'm a big worry wart.


OH ... here is one of the pictures from the flower show

Thumbnail by merrymath
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Jennifer let us know what we can do to help.

thinking of you jennifer. will do anything i can to help

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, that goes for me too, Jennifer.

Missy Clan, did you spend the night at the mall? lol

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Same here, Jennifer...just let us know if we can help.

Mary, I'm not doing wsing until next year - just couldn't get it together in time this winter. When I do, I'll be asking you for advice - lol - you will definitely have it down pat by then after this year!

Fruity, maybe we need to put out an alert for Chris - MIA at the mall ^_^

This message was edited Feb 20, 2011 1:58 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Di .... still plenty of time to do some stuff like annuals and veggies .... I havn't sown any of them yet .... just cleaned, delabeled and disinfect 30+ more containers .... going to do some bargain shopping now .... upon return I plan to cut drainage holes, vents and containers in half with hinge, number containers (in several places, including bottom, with garden marker pen .... prepare some of my planting medium.

Hopefully, I be able to plant some seeds and place some more containers outside.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Tues is a good day to plant, so it will be tomatoes for me first, maybe some Desert Rose seeds, they are so cute to watch comeup, love them. Chris, I mailed your pkg. Saturday. Hope you like it.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

WAVING.. I made it back! LOL... before I start showing off my presents, let me show you what we were doing at the mall :) The kids are now back at home with my DD and I'm trying to play catch up on everything LOL

Look at this cutie ..we got to pet her :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

And this was the other one that we got to pet.. no scent whatsoever!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok.. now to get to the packages :)

First one is the pic I promised to put on several days ago :) This is the ornament that Karen sent me.. isn't it adorable??

I love it and again.. thank you!

This message was edited Feb 20, 2011 6:49 PM

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Next one I received was from Twyla.. she did such a good job. :) I received a windchime (always welcome these lol), a mousepad that I can put a picture in (I'm going to use this one at work instead of the yucky one they gave me!), the coolest hummingbird feeder..I've never seen one like this before, so can't wait to use it! Then there was a 2 year planner that I needed badly, a small 16 month calendar that will go here beside the computer and then (I missed putting it in the pic, I just realized!) there was a little brag book that I can keep in my purse with pics of the grandkids :)

Twyla, thank you.. I love it all.. you always pick the best stuff for me :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Blackshear, GA

We have one of those on our property and I bet it does have a scent...want it?

Well, my family and I are at a quail plantation and we hunted all afternoon. My feet and shoulder hurt SO bad!! I have to tell you, if you have never done it, it is actually very fun! My husband loves to hunt and I like to go, but not so wild about killing things. Wasn't too sure about shooting the cute little quail, but you kinda get caught up in the moment. The dogs are awesome, they go 90 miles an hour and when they scent one, they freeze and don't move a muscle. Its so funny!

I am so disappointed, I had several things of seed sown and I let them dry out and lost about 3/4 of them. The darn heating pad dries them out too fast! Oh well, I will start over. The only thing that makes me mad is on of them was thunbergia -white and I only had 6 seeds, every one came up but I lost everyone of them. Boo Hoo!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Then I received 2 in one day.. boy, I love birthdays but the mail people are really wondering what the heck is going on LOL

Faye sent me a cutting from her HUGE jade plant (I didn't have any, so I tickled about this!), a book of A-Z Perrenials (love it!) and the SOFTEST wrap that I've ever seen.. it wraps around the shoulders like a shawl and even has pockets on each end! I'm going to have to fight Miss Sarah on that one cause she's already been eye-balling it LOL..

Thank you Faye.. what terrific gifts!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Then.. Fruity sent me a wonder assortment of beautiful things! First.. there was a large Willow Tree statue "Grateful", which I didn't have.. she sent a wonderful note with her.. thank you so much! Then she sent a ceramic "cupcake" trinket box that has a bag of Crocus in it (yay!), a beautiful rock with flowers and a hummer on it (beautiful!! you did good, Missy) and then there's a bag of "water beads" with a submersible LED light.. I'm tickled about these, cause I had been looking at some at the Garden Show! I've just got to decide what plant I want to put in them :)

Words can't express how thankful I am for friends like you.. you're the best. Thank you so much!


Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

What beautiful presents you received Chris! Mine went in the mail on the 18th so I would think you should get it by saturday. Today was my sons bday. The big 3! =) Have a great day everyone. We're suppose to get more snow tomorrow BUT I went out to check on my daffs,and snow drops and saw a hyacinth poking up out of the soil! Thats a good sign!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I wanted to send you something sweet but I can't bake worth a toot, so I painted a cupcake for Glad you didn't already have "Grateful". And trust me after my own little fiasco with the water marbles not using a large enough vessel, if you haven't tried them before a little dab goes a looonng way.

GA, my mail lady has a pet skunk that still has its glands. She has all sorts of critters on her farm, and told me as long as a skunk's back legs can't touch the ground, or you hold them up by their tail...yuck...that they can't spray. Don't ever plan to get that close to one in the wild to find out though.

Happy Birthday to your little one on his Big 3! That sounds so funny without the "0". Last week I noticed a few tulips and a couple of hyacinths were peeking out. Hang on, Spring's only a month away!

Oakland, MD


Thank you all for your for your understanding. it took me years before I got the nerve to leave him. It is sad it took me this long. It took for my daughter to get pushed down the stair for me to leave. I have been hit, kicked, pushed, talked down to and it is time for me to start a new life. I get to move into my new place tomorrow so I am very excited about that. I will have a big garden to work with and also can plant flowers.


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I am so proud of you Jennifer! It upsets me that you and your children had to go through that. It takes alot of nerve to leave. GOOD FOR YOU! I'm getting your present ready now. How old are your kid(s)? If you need anything we are all here for you and yours!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bless your Heart Jennifer. Good for you Girl. Get Out while you Can. I had a boyfriend like that one time but NO MORE!!!! Life is to short to live like that. God will help you get through It. Prayers sent your way Dear girl and children too. Can't stand it for men to treat their family like that.

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

Good for you, Jennifer! Do you have everything you need? I'd be more than happy to help. I've been there and I know how scary it can be. I'll dmail you my phone number.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Jennifer ... you have my support ... I can recall many of the challenges I was confronted with when I became a single parent ... my trust in the Lord and a lot of singing gave me strength.

One song my two daughters and I sang a lot was HIGH HOPES. As young teens they were not into my spiritual songs .... now in their 40s they find my spiritual favorites very comforting.

We spent a lot of time gardening.

So good to hear from you, keeping you and your children in my prayers.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Jennifer.. you are stronger than you think you are.. good for you! I'm a certified Domestic Violence advocate and I can tell you that it normally takes a woman SEVEN times of leaving before she leaves for good. That's because these men are such good manipulators and the women hate to give up on a marriage. Stick to your guns, Girl and leave him in the dust!
Do you have a protective order yet? Be safe..if you need to, go to the local women's shelter, cause they can protect you if you need it. If you also need items for your new home, contact them.. they will be able to help in some way, I'm sure.

Good luck..and we're all here if you need to talk, vent or just have some friends around :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is so true. Be tough for yourself and those babies. Don't give in, be strong. We love you like a Sister. You are out Sister of Heart...

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8b)

I received a super sweet box from Mary today. I'm in the process of helping with homework and cooking dinner so I'll be back with pictures and description later this evening.

Mary, you were right...we all loved it!! Thank you so much!

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