Clematis in the U.K.

Dayton, OH

I saw a Clematis In the U.K. I would like to get, but don't know if it cost any money to call. They had a phone number to call, but it was a number in the U.K.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Which one? Maybe one of us clem lovers knows of a place here to get it. Many UK places don't want the hassle of dealing with the USA and import requirements.

Dayton, OH

The Clematis I'm wanting is called Diamantina. I've never seen one here before.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

White Flower Farm has it but the shipping is a killer.

Dayton, OH

Thanks again Pirl, you have been great on information for me. I will check out the White Flower Farm.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Roseycats, Diamantina is currently very hard to get in the US. However, in a couple of years it should be easier to find. I contacted Evison in England to find out where I could get a flat, along with some other of the newer Evison cultivars. I was referred to one place in the states that is propagating Diamantina, but right now they are sold out, and all went to the larger re wholesalers who sell to places like White Flower Farms. I contacted some of the re wholesalers, and they said it will be more readily available next year. I am on the waiting list to get it, and I don't expect to get them until fall or spring next year. I imagine Brushwood and other places similar will be getting them in the fall or next spring.

So, I think the answer is either you can wait, or pay the big bucks at WFF.

And Evison will not ship to the US.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It was a few years before Omoshiro was available here so we're back to the same "Patience is a virtue" theme.

Dayton, OH

Had to give up trying to shop in another country due to the fact of not knowing how to pay for the items

This message was edited Feb 12, 2011 6:09 PM

Dayton, OH

Hey Pirl, I checked out White Flower Farms and They wanted $24.95 for the Clematis. Too rich for my blood. I said forget it, I think I'm calling it quits on Clematis' for a while. Oh by the way I saw your Royalty on Bluestone Perennials price $11.95. I do think Brushwood would be a better place to get it. I did get the Patrica Ann Fretwell.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good going, roseycats!

A guy on the Northeast Forum wanted the same one as you and he was turned off by the shipping cost.

You may have convinced me to buy Royalty again. Thanks.

Dayton, OH

Pirl, Let me know if you get the Royalty Clematis. It's a beauty. As my husband says, you only live once.

This message was edited Feb 12, 2011 8:08 PM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

No, you're just fine. Order the plant and be happy! We clematis lovers all have moments of madness - get used to it.

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