Fruit tree seedling ID needed please.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I bought a fruit from Mana Foods which was delicious. It was marked as a green Sapodilla but the man in the market told me that it was actually a green Sapote. Anybody know? This is a picture of the little tree raised from the seed.

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Here is a picture of the seeds. I think it might be a Sapote as the pics of the Sapodilla seeds look elongated rather than like giant orange seeds.

Thanks in advance!

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
(Zone 1)

Maybe "Black Sapote"- Diospyros digyna? :

Edited to add the Plant Files link showing pic's of foliage, fruit and seeds:

This message was edited Feb 11, 2011 1:52 PM

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No, it wasn't a black sapote - I tried one of those last week and I just couldn't get past the black color! It might have been too ripe because it had a fermented taste...not very nice.

This fruit was green in skin color, round shaped and the flesh was a white-ish color. It was delicious!

(Zone 1)

Maybe a variety of Pouteria? There's a list of varieties on the left hand side of this page:

Surely someone will recognize your plant and I'm curious to know the identity so I will be watching this thread.

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

The seeds do look like white sapote, which is native here in the Yucatan and to the south. The leaves and seeds are used locally to make a tea for inducing sleep without after effects and is also considered good for reducing blood pressure. The fruit is commonly available in the summer or rainy season here, sold in local markets or stands on the street from backyard trees. It is usually sold green and unripe and will ripen in a few days, it's better to leave some of the stem on when picking it green as it bruises easily and rots.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you all so much, it's nice to have a proper ID. Now I have the correct name I am off to check out care etc. for my baby tree. Hopefully I will live long enough to see it produce fruit!

Clarence, NY

Think you're in my neck of the woods now Braveheartsmom. I believe what you have is a Mammee Apple or Pouteria sapota, a great favorite of the Caribbean. Will grow to 50'. Good dessert fruit. Richness can be balanced with a squeeze of lime. We do a lot of limin' here.

I have a Manikara zapota here. We call it Sapodilla, or more commonly in Crucian, Mesple. Tastes like brown sugar. Also grows to large tree. Beautiful. Our wild fruit usually takes 7 years to produce. We have very poor soil. Interesting about Mesple is the sap is called chicle, the stuff chewing gum is made of.

Here's one of mine. Good find!!

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Punta Gorda, FL(Zone 9b)

Braveheart, you'll need to start more seeds...they need a pollinator, if I remember correctly. :)

Keaau, HI

The palmately arranged leaves and the ovoid white seeds show that Jenn's plant is Casimiroa edulis, White Sapote.

They don't need a pollinator (2nd tree) to produce, but will take seven to eight years to show fruit.
They need a well drained soil with added organic matter.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the info. My little trees are growing painfully slowly, but are still living! I put a couple of them into the garden and, in order to hedge my bets, I still have a couple in pots. The ones planted in the garden haven't seemed to have grown very much, for some reason I expected them to take off with leaps and bounds when they got their feet into the soil, but they seem to be amost at a standstill. I did mix mulchy stuff into the planting hole but as yet I haven't given them any fertilizer - any thoughts?

A nightmare week coming up for us as we are having the house tented for termites. What a pain! It took me three hours to double bag all the fruit in the big freezer yesterday - the ziplocks were so slippery once they started to thaw somewhat and I had an awful job. I am leaving the rest of the double bagging of the other freezer and fridge and the pantry food until the day before tenting because we have to eat until then! I will be loosing a huge Stepanoitis that is growing up the front of the house because it will be under the tent and the bug man told me that even if I cut it right down and bagged it, it probably will not survive the gassing. So sad.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh dear. What a pain. We are overrun with ants and nothing has helped. Never heard of the tenting but that may be what we need to do.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Princess K!

I don't think you want to go through tenting - this is what it looks like...LOL!

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Looks pretty. I know that you are going to have a problem once you get back inside. How long do they keep the tent in place?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, it looks like a giant hot air balloon!

Actually they tent in the morning and once it is secure they add the vapor. The tent stays in place overnight and they come the next morning and take off the tent and air the house out. After about 5 -6 hours they come with some type of meter and check the levels. Then, if it is safe, they allow you to come back in. A huge disruption in life, but voila! no more dry wood termites! Guaranteed for three years and then should be re-tented in five years. Most of the homes in my area were built in the seventies with untreated lumber so its an ongoing business for the bug men!

Mom's cottage was tented yesterday and she is looking forward to being able to get back in this afternoon. We had the houses done separately because she didn't want to have to go to a hotel for the night - she stayed at our house. It prolonged the agony, but it made her happier.

Now I have to undo all the double bagging of the food before work tomorrow - I guess it's a good time for a clean out while I am at it!

Aloha to all.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

WOW! What a job! Our home was built in the seventies it may have been untreated wood as well.

DS found something flying in the garage recently. I don't think they are termites but I may have to call the company back out to spray again. YUK!

It is good to hear from you. I am sorry that you are having to go thru all of this. Will keep all of you in my prayers for strength during this trying time.

We are OK. My sister made it in from MS. It is so good to see her. She is the one who had the major stroke two years ago. She is doing o.k. Mom is doing better from her fall. Doc thinks it might have been a mild stroke. Both had ringing in the ears before the event. Sister is only 54 now. Mom is 82. I guess I should take my high triglicerides more seriously. I am trying to lower my sugar intake and am watching my fat grams.

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We spent it at Mom's. My baby sister says she has considered moving home as well. What a reunion that would be!

Take care,


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Jeanne,

Glad to hear your Mom is doing better and that your sister has arrived to give you a hand with all the chores you were trying to keep up with. Yep, you had better watch those triglicerides carefully.

The tenting is now a thing of the past - I finally got the large freezer unpacked and was rather shocked to see just how much frozen fruit we had! I spent yesterday making mango, coconut and banana breads (16 loaves) in order to reduce the load. I will be sending them to the kids and grandkids today - they gobble them up, especially the grandkids with all their friends. Thank godness for those flat rate boxes!

We had a tremendous amount of damage to the plants around the front of the house because of the vapor even though they were not under the tent but were close by, which is very sad. In future I will only plant things in those beds that can be easily replaced - live and learn!

Aloha to all.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So sorry that you lost prized plants. For two days our area has been inundated with severe weather with some 10 tornadoes touching down in communities all around us. Last week it was high winds with gust up 60 miles and hour and there are mature trees destroyed all around town. We lost the top of our largest live oak but it will recover. Wish I had the energy you do.

Love all of you a lot.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Jen sorry to hear about your plant loss. That is so sad.

Christi, I heard on the news about the severe weather. Was hoping you and Mike were OK.

I wish I had the energy both of you do!

I am in a Fibro Flare and am hurting pretty bad. Dr. increased my meds.

Mom has a Dr's appt to take her to at 1:30. It is a followup. She is doing better. She is gaining her strength back some.

Take care,

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Anyone else having trouble logging on to Daves over the last few days?

Christi, so sorry to hear about the severe weather you have been having, the pictures you sent me of the fires were amazing - especially the first one on the hill. I hope they are not anywhere near you. Mom and I watched in horror at the devastation caused by the tornados - so many people's lives destroyed. I hope all of our DG friends are okay.

Jeanne, sorry to hear that you are having another flare of the Fibro - Is it flaring because you have been under such pressure lately with your Mom and all? I hope you are feeling better now and the doctor has it under control better.

Mom and I sat up the whole night on Thursday to watch the wedding of William and Kate. We have high hopes of this marriage, unlike some of the disasters that have gone on in the Royal family over the last years...what a pretty bride Kate made.

Aloha to everyone


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Haven't had trouble logging in but have had trouble getting pages to load since I upgraded to IE 9.

Christi, I also hope those fires aren't near you.

Most of the tornadoes were F4 and F5, the highest ratings on the scale. Very scary when you think about the sheer number of tornadoes of that size.

I didn't get up early to watch the wedding. lol. I watched highlights and while not quite as good as seeing the whole thing, it was still pretty good. Kate was definitely a pretty bride!! I loved her dress!! I think they will make it too.

Been busy here. It won't quit raining long enough to get stuff done outside or it's too cold. Today it is both. Cold and wet. Yuck!! I need warmth so I can go weed!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The fires were just a little less than a hundred miles from here. We had haze from the smoke for days. Somebody didn't get the message that this is the first week of May. Supposed to storm and be in the low 40's all this week. I did get the opportunity to weed all the beds and put out fertilizer last week. Took all day, every day. Mike kept telling me I was developing too many flowerbeds. Turns out, he was right.

Hi, Amanda. Haven't run across you in way too long. Sorry, I have taken over your thread, Jennie. Dave's isn't quite the same and I am always so thrilled to find old friends.

Jeanne, sorry to hear you are having problems. I am thankful everyday that I can still garden, be it ever so much slower than before. That's ok. No one is keeping score. hahahaha.

Each of you just close your eyes and feel my hugs to you. I have truly, truly missed all of you.

Princess Kilikina aka LouC

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


So nice to hear from you guys - should we start a chat thread to keep in touch? Anyone up for it? Please let me know.

So sorry to hear that everyone is still struggling with such a hard winter on the mainland. I watch the weather channel here and I am horified at what I see, tornados, floods, fires, etc. I can't stop thinking of everyone who have lost their homes - the mental anguish must be dreadful.

Just how many flower beds have you been creating Christi? I bet they are going to look lovely when summer finally comes. Give my love to Mike.

I hope that you are feeling a little better now Jeanne, and I hope that your Mom is feeling stronger so that your care of her can ease up a bit and you can take some time for yourself to heal. I understand that Fibro is a very painful thing to have. I send my love.

Amanda, nice to hear from you and glad that your home didn't get hit - although I believe it's been a very hard winter there. How funny that you are so excited to be able to get outside to weed! You need to live here - weeding is never ending!

The mangos are starting to ripen and we are starting to pick figs too. I have been trying to find victims to unload some of the frozen fruit from last year on - got to clear out before the next crop comes in - what a shame I can't send fruit to the mainland. The firehouse will usually take all we can give them from the garden, but the food bank doesn't take much fresh fruit as they can't store it. I did dehydrate two large hands of bananas though and sent those off to the kids, luckily we don't have any trouble with dehydrated fruit being sent through the mail - I guess that the fruit fly (or whatever) can't survive.

Thinking of you all.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Would love a "chat" thread. Just tell when and where.


mulege, Mexico

I'm glad to find all of you again. I, too, would love a chat thread.

Saw a podiatrist in Ca. last week and I've been sleeping (sometimes!) with a brace on my right foot. It is helping a lot and today I was able to sort and clean in the kitchen while tony washed my plastic seed starting containers for the zillion or so seeds I brought back. I told him the containers are better than gold.

Being now at the age of seventy I broke down and bought myself a matched set of cookware. Told tony to tell his wife, her sister and their mother to get ready for the windfall this will make for them. I want to attempt to do some tissue culture so I must clear as much extra stuff as possible out of the kitchen to make room.

Got back from Ca. yesterday but did not sleep well last night. Friends Jon and Sharon are both in the States so I have their dog Scout whom they adopted from me several years ago. Scout is happy to be with me but a little leary of my four dogs. So far a few growls and snaps but no brawls.

I thinnk I'm about to crash.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi katie. So glad you have joined our little reunion. Hope your foot gets better soon but knowing you, you won't slow down long enough. We are in the process of setting up a second sale of MIL's living estate since she is now in assisted living. After having to organize and clean out her house, we are next. Way too much to do both at the same time. Her home is sold and we hope to close by the end of the week. Today is perfect weather. We have had some terrible wind storms and then several days of thunder and lighting and lots of rain. Going back outside now to enjoy it before we have 90+.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Just been dealing with alot of rain here. It's finally starting to dry out so hopefully this week I can get out there and get some weeding done. I had them somewhat under control at one point but they are really getting out of hand now. Oh well, typical of this time of year. lol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Amanda, are you still riding horses?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Only a couple times a year or so. I can't afford lessons with my current job so I ride when I go visit family in Iowa if it's not too cold. I'm supposed to go on a trail ride with friends either this spring or summer too. Just gotta find a good weekend for it.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha everyone,

Going to start a chat tread - Coconut wireless!

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