Division of Labor

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I realise our forum is becoming cluttered, but I just read a few posts regarding who does what in a household. I think this is a very important and interesting topic. Who performs which tasks, who avoids what tasks?
Much of my clutter and uncleanliness is due to avoiding certain tasks I am annoyed by or frustrated with. I don't expect another to do what I won't myself, so some tasks are simply abandoned.
Cooking, me 55%, him 45%. Clean-up, 60/40.
I do 90% of laundry, as my mate does not see stains and therefore does not treat them.
He vacuums home 75% of time, vehicles 90%.
Vehicle maintenance 75% him.
Dealing with entities on phone/online, him 90%
Bills, taxes, budgeting, him 85%. I did it bc (before computer), lost patience (frustrated by my lack of proficiency and my intolerance of the s l o w n e s s of dial-up) as soon as we went 90% online. I am still the tightwad and so the mental budgetting is done by me, even if he and the machine have already done it and agree with each other, I am still the last hurdle.
Animal husbandry, me 80%
Gardening/watering, me 90%. Lawn care, him 90%. Harvesting, me 80% Prepping/canning, me 80%
Cluttering, 50/50. Decluttering, me 75%.

OK, I'm tired from thinking about this. I am VERY interested to hear from those with single households. Is it easier or more challenging to do it all by yourself? How much do you hire out? What do you avoid doing? How much help do you really get from the kids, grown or still developing? How do you succeed in getting help with the troublesome tasks?

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