Birds from Queensland.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

After the Flood.

Thumbnail by ginger749
South Hamilton, MA

Glad that bird came through all right. I hope that others did as well.

PERTH, Australia

Ginger, you Queenslanders have been through several nightmares recently and the thoughts of all Australians are with you. You've a reputation for being a resilient lot. You sure need to be with what's been dished out.

Is that a Spangled Drongo?

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Thank you for all your thoughts Margaret.
WA is copping a thrashing as well with 68 houses burnt to the ground.
If we could only send you some of all this rain.

Yes, it is a water logged Spangled Drongo.
They only live here about 3 months a year.
They must migrate to somewhere the rest of the year.

Thumbnail by ginger749
PERTH, Australia

Nice bird, Ginger.

Did you experience flooding or cop anything from the two cyclones, particularly Yasi? We'll gladly accept some rain. Thanks for the offer.

Marlton, NJ

Hi Ginger, Good to see you. The Drongo is quite handsome (even wet). That's a very nice pic!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

These 2 Pictures were taken at Emerald. Central Qld.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This was the Coal Railway from Emerald to the Coast.

Thumbnail by ginger749
South Hamilton, MA

I don't think that even model trains would work on those tracks.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Those tracks are sure messed up. I am sorry that you are having such terrible weather and all the devastating results. I hope things improve soon..I know how heartbreaking it must be to see.

That Drongo is a beautiful bird and I am so glad he survived and hope many more are as lucky.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This poor Bird is a constant visitor.
More so now it has been raining for 38 days straight.
We call him Stumpy.
I think it’s obvious to see why.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Same Bird, same day.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I felt happy to help this poor guy fill his tummy.
I only had wholemeal bread.
But that’s better than nothing.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

38 days rain? Cripes, two more, and you beat Noah!

Amazing that parrot can cope with the missing foot


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Poor wet birds. Beautiful though.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Quote from Resin :
38 days rain? Cripes, two more, and you beat Noah!
Amazing that parrot can cope with the missing foot

An area of Queensland bigger than all of Germany and Holland put together was Flooded.
And yes it was of near biblical proportion.
It has been sunny days for about one week now.
And I have not seen stumpie in that week.
So I hope he has made it through.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This is looking back the other way towards the bridge.
As you can see from my previous Pictures, No Trains will be passing here in quite a while.
Can you imagine the power of the Floods that flowed over these Tracks ?

This is a typical Coal Train taking coal from inland Qld to the Coast for loading onto large Mainly Chinese Ships.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Because this Bird was so hungry he did something I have never seen before.
He landed on my hand as I was walking about with my Umbrella Photographing the Floods.
These Birds are not used to being fed by people and certainly not land on you.
Flood water can be seen in the background.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Here is one little guy who loved all the rain.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

With feet like this, it’s easy to see why they swim so fast.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)


Thumbnail by ginger749
Marlton, NJ

Ducklings are so cute. Nice pics.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)


Thumbnail by ginger749
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Your photos are amazing Ginger. Stumpy sure looked like he was grateful for your food handout. Poor baby really has been through a lot, as you and everyone else has been.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Thank you for your kind comments ducbucln.
I find that every ones pictures here on DG are really good.
We don’t have any good Birding sites here in Australia.
I am not a ‘Birder’ but I will snap them all day if they come close.
I have found the more I ignore them the closer they come.
My passion is ‘Wild Plants’.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Touch down.

Thumbnail by ginger749
PERTH, Australia

Wonderful photos, Ginger.

Marlton, NJ

Great job on the beautiful Pelican.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Thanks Margaret and Pell.

Front on Touch down.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

These two need to be taught some table manners by their parents.
The front of their beaks are really tangled.
Pelican on left has fish and the right one is trying to steal it.

Thumbnail by ginger749
PERTH, Australia

Great interaction you've caught there, Ginger.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Their food sacks are very resilient.
But at times they do get a puncture mark or two during scrapping for fish.
This was a fresh wound.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

These legs look totally out of proportion to the rest of the Pelican.
And yet in my in-flight Pictures they are totally out of sight ?
I wonder if they put them in the Overhead Baggage Compartment ? 

Thumbnail by ginger749
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, they tuck their legs up into the baggage compartment, hidden in the feathers just under the tail ;-)


Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

When there are bait fish in the water here on the Cold Goast.
Not even a solitary female swimmer will stop these Guys feeding.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Marlton, NJ

That would be really different to swim amongst the Pelicans! :-)

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

You are so right Pell.

And after a good feed of bait Fish.
There is always time for good preening.
I think they feel safety in numbers.
I would keep an close eye on those Children if they were mine.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Where’s Wally ?
This is one of the weirdest Pictures I have ever taken. :-)
Can anyone see the Pelican in this Picture ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
Marlton, NJ

LOL, good one!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Heeey !’
I was here first mate.

Thumbnail by ginger749

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