New Bees 02/02/11 friends - new and old...Come on in...

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi Mechelle!! We miss you!! And I want calibrachoas so hope you have some, lol! Kelly, we still have plenty of snow if you're ready now. It did melt a little over the last coupe of days, but we still have a couple of feet everywhere. Unless of course, you figure where we piled it, lol! And it's supposed to snow over the weekend, but I'm hoping they're wrong!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

You're on Trish, I think I have two more left.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey Mechelle ..... good to see you girl. I know you are busy but we miss you!

Al, what do you fertilize your iris with? I've never fertilized Iris.

I got a good deal on tulips at Wal-Mart. They had a bunch of them in pots with 3-6 bulbs in each one for $1.23. I asked the guy 'the tulips are $1.23??? He said yup. They ordered a bunch for Valentines Day, and these are what was left" They are beautiful!!!! Some still in bud and just putting buds up. I'm not going to plant them just yet, our winter isn't over, even though we tied the record temp of 79* yesterday. I put some cinnamon on top of the dirt and watered with a little H2O2 in the water, to ward off any fungus gnats. I have enough of those darn things from the plants I brought in to over winter, don't need to add any more.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hiya Mechelle! Glad to see you're not buried under all those plants! I'm so excited for you!!!

Sandi, glad you're not snowed in - lol. I grew up in a harsh climate so know you sure do appreciate every nice day you get. I can't grow calibrachoas to save my life - our heat kills 'em every time.

Hi Mechelle, I was looking for our little singer on American Idol but didn't see her. Bummer!
I bet the greenhouse is gorgeous. Can't wait to see all your beauties.
Hi Trish, I sure been missing you guys! You and Mechelle been playing ghost too much!

Booneville, AR

good night everyonr stay safe be good love and huigs nettie.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

BE GOOD??????????? US?????????? mwahahahahahaha (evil laugh)

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I don't fertilize my irises Crit, my cat does it for me. They just spring up everywhere without asking. I really haven't been too fussy about them, but I have a couple of championship breeds given to me as gifts. I don't remember the specific names. A few are special to me because they came from Gramp's garden years ago. Always enjoy planting more with different colors when they come.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi there e1! Sandi, I have plenty of Calibrachoa. I have white, yellow w/ red eye, purple and what they call dark blue which is actually more like a purple. I am expecting more varieties but let me know if any of those sound good. I have lots of named Daylilies, La. Iris and Siberian Iris coming next week as well as Zinnia, Vinca, Salvia, Verbena, Rudbeckia, Portulaca, Marigolds, Snapdragon , Lantana, Setcreasea (reg and var). Chenile Firetails, Petunias, Ipomoea, and just got a nice Clematis order in. All the herbs and veggies you could think of and much more! I left the house without my camera and don't have my Blackberry synced to this computer but will get pics asap for you guys. If there is anything in particular I can order for anyone, let me know and I will see what I can do. I am doing lots of seeds but am still trying to figure a few things out. I am ordering more liners this year but have some seed crops going.
Hope everyone is well and miss you all!

Crit, are you kin to Cue_chik and Lucy?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

WooHoo! Mechelle, please get us a list and pictures, so we can order, lol!

Booneville, AR

list would be a good thing sleep would be good im looking foward to pictures. love nettie

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Trish, Sandi, Kelly, and Crit

Sorry ladies - There will be a one day shipping delay for my Tumbling Tom tomatoes because of our PO will be closed Monday for Presidents Day. They will go out early on Tuesday morning, hopefully before the next big cold wave sets in. That means that they will likely be at destination on Thursday or Friday, so watch your mailboxes.


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

perfect Al! Thanks!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'll let you know when it arrives;o)

Booneville, AR

crit the national garden club offers free things on starting a garden club i think you can just print it out. love nettie. just go on there and type in national garden clubs inc. i think that is wright. of course i have been known to be rong oh yes i have.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

THANKS Al !!!!!!!!!!

mekos ..... no, I don't have any relatives on here that I know of.

nettie ..... there is a garden club here in Sand Springs. I just need to get hold of them, but thanks for the info!

Booneville, AR

crit you are wellcome. didn,t know if you had found anything glad you did. love bettie

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

My Tumbling Tommy tomatoes are in the mail, they should be flying over Chicago by this afternoon. They're all snuggled into their little boxes, let's all hope that they stay warm for the long trip. Let me know when and if they arrive okay.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

will do.. looking forward to it!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hey Mechelle! Do I have a minimum amount I have to order? LOL! I want some cali's, petunias, lantana, verbena, and ??? Can't wait to see the pictures and for your website to be up and running so I can start shopping! LOL!

Al, it's supposed to be nice (for us) weather this week, with no subzero temps, so should be great for toms! I'll let you know when they get here! Thanks!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Can we order potting stuff like the little square thin plastic pots or the 6 pack's? I don't know where to go to get them.

Booneville, AR

al im going yo plant some maters out in the bottomn of a wore out shop vack it still has the rollers on the bottom of it just need to get bill to drill me some holes in it. that way i can move it from the front porch into the house if the weather turns bad and at night. im thinking they should do ok in that thing. pluss keep smothine out of the trash.bill and i have dr. app. tomorrow so ill wait until we are not going to be gone half the day. i have a huge sago palm that bill hates he says it tries to polk his eyes out. have to say im not real crazy about it. the thing gets a family member every year when it goes in or comes out of the green house. might be nice to have it in a pot with wheels on it. i think it has a little one at the base of it. need to have a mind set as to what im going to put in the pot. love and prayers for everyone nettie

Booneville, AR

mekos hane you seen enid around any where she has had a long time to make candles she may also be doing some soap. she is such a buisy little bee.hope her shop is doing good. nettie

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Temps here 6 below zero this morning. We're leaving for Hawaii Sunday morning! Not soon enough for me...


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

You will have such a great time relaxing and enjoying each other's company, just being retired!! So envious and happy for you both Al. At 5:30 this morning we started out at 18 above, and now that the sun is out and shining, we've dropped to about 6 above. Go figure, lol!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I had a talk with my tax lady today. I've got a refund of $2.43 coming back. Maybe I could afford another package of seeds at Walmart...


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

LOL! But, at least you're not paying in, Al.

Wonder what kind of seeds you would like Al? Might could get 2 packs at the dollar store.
Sure wish I could afford a trip to Hawaii. Have a wonderful time and look for new seeds there.
Nettie, I believe Lori has been sick. But last I heard she was better now just not her self again yet.
Be careful with that tree, Bill needs his eyes! Good idea for a planter, useing a vaccuum base. Rollers are good! Good luck at the dr.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I was sort of looking for a Hawaiian Ti log but I'll have to wait and see. It's a tropical plant grown from log sprouts. We're told that Hawaii has very strict ag and export laws on outgoing plants, so may not be possible to bring them home.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I've gotten away from the bitterness and don't want to see it again. Was 76* here today. Can't believe it is still February. I'm sure we will have another hard front go through and freeze us out again. Ya'll stay warm! Have a fabulous time in Hawaii Al & wife.

Al I have a couple here you can have when you get back and it warms enough to ship without freezing up. Someone from Hawaii sent it to me last year and I dont do well with it. One is black and one is red with beautiful streaks through the leaves. JUST remind me when it warms some or I'll remember to ship but forget to WHO it goes to. My memory does not work long term and not even good short term either.

Booneville, AR

the dr. bill and i use moved to ft. smith so we had to call the clinic here in booneville to have them make copies of our medical records. they sent all of bills recurds but omly five of myne the dr. was a little up set ime more upset than she was. the release on those was turned in 3months ago. they have some real problems at the clinic. now i think someone droped the ball. im not real happy. i had to guess what kind of canser i have i know its a center cell but i know it has a name it was in those records.i guess they didn,t know what it was called. hope no one ever does them that way. some one must have told them i didn,t need all that history. hade to try and remember some thingh it was time consumeing. if i had allof it things wouldn,t have taken so long. its over with now. so ill just forget about nettie

Booneville, AR

al so glad you don,t have to pay in. paying them is the pits. its on my don,t like list. bill and i never get out that easy that is great. you and tour wife have some fun for us and take pictyres for nettie.

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 3:49 PM

Nettie, I am so sorry you have to go through that. The nerve of those idiots! I agree, IF it were their charts, they probably would have taken better care of them. Somebody probably filed them wrong or in the wrong place. Makes you want to smack someone! Life is hard enough as it is. Sure hope you get to feel better Nettie. Take care and rest up when you can. You don't need to get run down and sick.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Al, your darling little tomato arrived today safe and sound! Nice packing job;o) Thank you!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

AL..... got my tomato today too. Not much worse for wear ....I think it will be fine too. Thanks for the seed packet and extra seeds. I didn't know you could plant snickers .... what kind of plant do you get? LOL THANKS!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Mekos is right Nettie! We don't want you getting sick, so please take care of yourself!
My maters aren't here yet, so that means tomorrow. Yippee!
And Jan, how are you doing? I know how hard this all is on you, but we want you to take care of yourself too.

Booneville, AR

mekos has rrm got her puter fixed yet. i hope she can get it fixed and get back up and going and doesn,t have to get a new one. i hate to have puter problems harde to find someone to work on one around here, we have had rain all day makes me sleepy guess im going to bed love and hugs nettie. all you and the wife have fun and a good trip night all slip my mind how it wes doing better i hope and pray, love nettie

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 10:40 PM

Wes has taken a turn for the worse and it's just a matter of time. Not much left.
I'm trying to get info on Charleen now Nettie, I was thinking of her this morning and wondering if she was ok, will call her now and see if I can find her.

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