New Bees 02/02/11 friends - new and old...Come on in...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

To the relief of the winter-weary, the world’s most famous groundhog is predicting an early spring.

Punxsutawney Phil emerged around dawn on Groundhog Day on Wednesday to make his 125th annual weather forecast in front of thousands who braved muddy, icy conditions to hear his handlers reveal that Pennsylvania’s prophetic rodent had not seen his shadow...

Let's hope Phil is right!

This is the place to chat and hang out and share with friends - new and old...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Come on in...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

Thumbnail by locakelly

Hi Nettie, Your little carnivorous plant is definately a Venus Fly Trap. Looks cute too. I loved those flower arrangements, GREAT JOB!
We were bombarded yesterday with rain storms, and I didn't turn on the computer.
Gosh Al you keep that snow up there. Looks good right where it is!
Sandi, OH my gosh! Door handles froze! So sorry girl! Never had that to happen before.
And poor Kelly with freezing temperatures out in the hot dry dessert, man, what a winter season with the tempts all over the place. Never seen a winter like this one before. Out of 50 states 49 got snow this winter, Florida was the only state not in a blanket of snow. And one place got some dustings but just not the whole state. The 49 others were completely covered in snow at some point this season, from an inch to several feet, and this is just not normal. I am so sorry for you folks in the north that is getting all the snow and ice right now. My prayers are with you. I watch the news and it is awful. You all take care, try to stay warm and stay inside!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Just popping in for a few to urge all my friends that are going thru that nasty weather to be careful! So sorry about the power outages. Try to stay indoors, stay warm, and remember, body heat can keep you warm, so maybe you should all just snuggle up with someone! We aren't getting any snow now, but still frigid cold, we are warming up to about 15 below, but it is supposed to seriously start getting much warmer. So glad spring will be early! Wonder if that means April or May for us? LOL!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I personally think Phil has been talking to those weather liars. Sure doesn't feel like spring anytime soon!

Good morning ladies. Anyone heard from Arejay and Charleen this morning? Charleen has been sick and Arejay is getting hit with snow so wondered if she still has power this morning.
This is just nasty weather for anyone!
Kelly, I can't believe how cold you guys are.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Don't pay the ransom, I've escaped ..... so to speak. Blizzard is gone, but left quite an aftermath. 14" is what Tulsa is reporting for s***. But there is ice underneath that. I haven't gone out to measure the final count here. Was 13" when it was still coming down. I went out and put hot water in the bird bath. I need to go do that and measure again.

Skating anyone?

Thumbnail by Crit
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Actually we made out better than everybody thought. About 4" new snow, but later this morning hammered with icy sleet which was downright dangerous on the roadways. All schools were closed until Thursday, most of our kids have to walk to school in the city.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let's set my the fire!

Thumbnail by Crit
Booneville, AR

thanks mekos i thought that was what it was but just like for you to say its so, have another one started don,t know what its going to be yet pitcher plant or another vft i guess my eyes are bothering me a little but not bad hope wes is doing well and the little girl she is so pretty love hettie. also hope your dh is better.that bug is bad.

Booneville, AR

the sun is out here today and they had school today and the seventh grade will have a basket ball game at 4 so i need to get dressed and ready to go or bill will leave me here and erin will be upset with me cause i didn,t come they expect me to come. so ill talk later love nettie

Have fun Nettie.
I can't believe all the snow that is falling. What a winter!
I am all for sitting by the fire and staying warm. Glad you all are ok up there.

Booneville, AR

erins team won yhe game 50 to 9 they are a good little team. i enjoyed myself got out for a while. bill going to take lisa to work in the morning we are going to the city for horse feed and things and stuff he hasto watch me like a halk im like a child i put extra things in his cart. my bad i just can.y help myself love nettie,

This message was edited Feb 2, 2011 7:09 PM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

My DH always says I put "extras" in the cart at the grocery store, hahahaha~~ Glad I'm not the only one. You go Nettie! There's nothing wrong with being like a little kid ; )

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My DH is the one that sneaks things into the cart.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

LOL! Mine is the one who usually does the grocery shopping, so he doesn't have to sneak. He claims that if he puts it in the cart, it's on his mental list, and belongs in the cart, whereas, if I put anything in the cart, it wasn't on his list, lol!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I push the cart
I put stuff in the cart
I pay for stuff in the cart
Then I cart it home
If I didn't, we wouldn't eat!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

yep, sounds like a man's job to me, lol! And don't forget, Al, you also grow the food, lol!

Gorsh Al, your wife made a good catch!
I push the cart and DH puts all the weird stuff he wants in while I am not looking and when we check out I almost croak at the cost till we get home and I see all the junk food he gets.
I can never stay on a budget if he goes with me.

Booneville, AR

mekos bill never grts on me about food he gets junk food for me and five dollars a bo grahn crackers i like them with nilk and he is conserned about keeping weight on me i grt all kinds of junk to est i really do try and eat every thiong he brengs home for me to eat sometimes i just can.i but i try real hard ive gained 5lbs. it will go away come spring lust a winter thing, but he doesn,t know that.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2011 10:23 PM

Booneville, AR

climbing lily in rose bush.

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

nice bright color im tirde qf looking at gray come on people we need some more color. put some on here lets go color love nettie pup picyures would be nice love nettie.

Booneville, AR

ok people more color

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

if you make this larger the mystery plant with the awsom leaves is the same as some one wondered what they had well that one is grown and aweom blooms every year its one of the old ones pink and white just gropws biger every year and im not putting it in the sun it just burns up in the sun. love nettie im going to bed cause if i don,t get up in the morning bill will leave mr at home that way he gets out spending money. its my money to.

It looks like a Crinum lily up there Nettie. If it is pink/white, it's name is probably Milk and Wine. I have that one too. Mine was a baby last year so it hasn't bloomed yet, hope it will this year.
I love your Gloriosa lily up there. I have that one also. One of mine looks more red and yellow and one is more orange and yellow. Gorgeous blooms. That is one of my favorites.
I got to get all the puppies together for 1 last picture of them cause Kaluah is moving out this weekend and so are the others so, I'll try later tonight. They are 3 months old and a handful.
Hard to keep them all together in one place and be still for a picture.

Booneville, AR

thank you mekos you are wright as usual, bills aunt gave me that one its in the middle of my ateawberries i don,t care it does great where it is im noy going to move it they take forever to bloom when you mess with them and that one blooms so pretty where it is. love nettie. got me some seed today. have plentry to do me this year. i forgot we have more snow heading at us my dau called and told me thats the pits. love nettie

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 5:01 PM

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 5:28 PM

Booneville, AR

just a little more color loca is going to ban me from posting if i don,t use some self control

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

oh just go ahead just one more.

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Love your pictures nettie - we won't ban you;o)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Think Spring................

Thumbnail by Crit
Booneville, AR

bill planted these when he cleaned the garden last year he pulled the plant out at the end of a fow and walked out with them in eis hand he must have hit them on smothing cause he planted alot of flowers in new plowed ground. i should let him plant more seed. he is bood with them.oh no wrong picture, this is part of a long bed on other side of garden. my bad nettie

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 6:31 PM

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

crit that is lovely bright and spring looking thank you love nettie if you ever need anything broadcasted you just let me know ill send bill over.

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 8:47 PM

Booneville, AR

ok i found bills flowers he planted.

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

mekos got a can of small crickets to feed my older cp hope they like them thats all petco had i would like to haxe some freze dried fruit flies but you just have to take what you can find love nettie,

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 11:49 PM

Booneville, AR

good morning all we have about 4or5 in new snow dh has speni all norning going and picking up kids they can,t drive in this mess just left to pick lisa up at work hope he stays safe some of our roads are slow to cllean off and the highway dept. is slow to clean them off. what are they going yo do when we get to old for fetching kids .love nettie

This message was edited Feb 4, 2011 1:56 PM

Nettie I love the flowers, so pretty and a joy to see in this weird weather. Never ban such beauties!
You just be careful going out in that snow covered roads, it is awful out there. We are just getting a wintermix of mostly rain and I'm about to float away. Had Kaylee all week and she is a handfull. She has cut 2 teeth this week and cranky but if I make it tomorrow, she will give me a little rest. I have been telling her "All ammas" for months and now she is saying it!
It didn't dawn on me she wouldn't hush it up. :-| Got to find her a bigger car seat, she is out growing her infant seat. If the rain will just stop. If not guess I'll have to get a boat and row where I need to go. Sheesh!
What happened to that season called spring? I have looked at nasty red mud ground far too long with red water floating above it. My yellow truck is now red.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Everyone keeps saying 'Spring is just around the corner' ..... I wanna know where that corner is!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by Crit
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Morning Everyone! Happy Saturday All! Time to think warm thoughts, even if they are last year's.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Oops, here's a better one...


Thumbnail by lycodad
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

OH! Look at the link I found this morning! I love this idea, so cute! Might start one now, so I have a head start on spring!;,_boxes,_bowls,_oh_my!.html

I think it would be great inside filled with herbs and such!

Booneville, AR

al we don,t care when they bloomed they are good to go look like warm weather to me thanks nettie.

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