Nepeta not for cats

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, I know this is unusual. I really like Nepeta. It's pretty blue-purple flowers, gray green leaves, easy to grow, drought tolerant and long blooming period. It has a lot going. My problem is I feed many birds. I have neighbors that have cats and I don't want to draw cats to my yard.
Is there by any chance a Nepeta that doesn't have a strong characteristic to draw cats?

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

My cats leave my ornamental Nepeta alone (catmints) in favor of Nepeta cataria (catnip) which is an unruly weedy plant. If you have space for catnip in a spot away from your birds, maybe the cats will lounge there rather than in your catmint. Caveat: catnip is difficult to get rid of if that doesn't work. I cut it back often and severely (which the cats love, all that fresh scent).

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Have you seen their cats around nepeta? I've never had one that cared for it at all. My current cat would prefer to chase a blade of ornamental grass than a stalk of nepeta. But I understand some cats love it. We have cats that come visit our cat from the neighbors, and I've never seen them go for it either. My cat is not a bird catcher, either, though. She does love catnip.

I wouldn't be without nepeta. it's a great plant for the border. Hope you can figure something out.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I wanted to plant it under my rose bushes and other places. The problem is birds go all over eating seeds, insects and worms. I am thinking of using Campanula rotundifolia, but I really like the Nepeta better. I just thought perhaps the "herb" people would know of a cultivar that doesn't do a very good job of attracting cats. Usually some cultivars are stronger scented than other cultivars of other species. Well, like roses: some are quite fragrant and others not so much.
Thanks for your suggestions. I did not know there was a difference between cat "NIP" and cat "MINT".

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, according to my cat, there's a big difference, LOL.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

My cat seldom visits the Nepeta cataria and never my Nepetia subsessilis 'Cool Cat'( haha) or my Nepeta x faassinii.
Here you can see pictures of these plants on my website.


Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Jonna, Thanks for the info. I love the Nepeta fassenii!! I will order that from you. However, I need to check my "want list" and see if there is anything else I may want to order.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Let me know when you're looking for something that's not on my website. I have more seeds, but could only harvest 1 or 2 packets of, so they're not on my website.


(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I have had Nepeta cataria (catnip) and Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low'. Catnip is quite popular with cats and my neighbors cats have actually devoured my poor catnip plant. One even yanked the plant out, even the roots, and took it with her! I've found a rare few actually do prefer catmint. My cats constantly reject catnip, unless it's dried, but will devour my poor Walker's Low Catmint if it's in the house.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

tikipod: I am confused as to which your cats like. CatNIP or CatMINT??
Thank you for replying.
It's nice to get several people's experiences.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Sorry, I'll clarify what I said. (I confuse people often lol.)

They like my Walker's Low Catmint and tried to eat the whole thing when it was in my house. I think they are oddball cats though - they also like my basil plants.

Originally I bought them catnip but they seem to only like dried, seed buds and newly sprouted seedlings. I put it outside so I could harvest it all in fall. Two neighbor cats ate it down and when it grew back, one of them stole it roots and all.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks. So, it seem neighborhood cats like the nip and your cats like the mint!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Silly kitties, lol. I had my catnip outside in a container, which I brought in for the winter. Does it overwinter outside successfully?
Incidentally, mine prefer to roll in it than eat it.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

It should. My neighbor's catnip dies down every winter and comes back stronger than ever in Spring. One summer I cut it back because it was 5ft tall and by fall it had regrown to 3 ft.

I've been trying to start some catnip seeds but haven't had much success due to cats eating the seedlings. I want to grow for the seed heads. I like to harvest them and hang them in mesh produce bags to dry.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, that's huge! Thanks! I tried growing it from seed, but had a really low germination rate. It may have been dollar store seed, I don't remember now.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I should note that hers is also in a container. She has several plants thanks to the wind.

I've used both freshly harvested and store bought seeds. I only had poor germination with one seed brand, but it could have been human error. I might try winter sowing some seeds.

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

I also have both kinds catNIP and catMINT.

I have two of my cats who fight (not literally) over my 'Walker's Low' plant. The rest of my cats aren't interested in it. My other plants the all the cats love. They are always eating it to the ground. I'm adding a couple more of them to my garden this year so maybe they'll have a better chance to get big before being eaten :)

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Once you get catNIP established, I don't think even your cats can kill it. It will just keep sending up new shoots.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I think it's hilarious, tikipod, that your neighbor cats stole your catnip.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh I know Polly. One of the cats still visits my porch hoping I've replaced the plant and I've taken her mommy a catnip plant for her.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How funny! It would have been so cool to see the kitty carting it off.

I know different people on here have complained about people taking off with their plants, maybe they should look to the next door animals.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL Good idea!
I will plant a 'kitty garden' next year with the catnip that is now in the container. They should enjoy that!

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